when i run a php file on my site....I get an error msg

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

one page as example .....http://www.lifeline400.com/corp/staff.php

Any help mch appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes an error in a htaccess file can cause this.

The good news is that it only seems to happen for the corp directory. The root address http://www.lifeline400.com works ok. You need to determine what is different about /corp and change it.

The good news is that it only seems to happen for the corp directory. The root address http://www.lifeline400.com works ok. You need to determine what is different about /corp and change it.

thanks 4 the ans, actually the root address working because i have removed all php tags, and is working without any php ,sql statements.....

Sometimes an error in a htaccess file can cause this.

thnks, where can i find .htaccess file ...and will i be able to check, where is th prob..??

First, are you sure PHP is installed ?

First, are you sure PHP is installed ?

ya .. PHPs installed...I can see PHP extens.. and applications, then PHP directive values and php.ini EZConfig values....

A .htaccess file can be in the root, or in the folder where the error occurs.

Try the most basic php file in your corp folder and see whether you get the same error.

got it ...

Have you checked the script for errors?

Have you checked the script for errors?

ya have checked, no errors.

Is there any perticular folder, where PHP file need to be placed asap??

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Have to say, this does sound like a htaccess issue. The file will be called .htaccess and *should* be visible in your FTP client. If possible, rename the file htaccess.txt and test your php files. Remember to rename it again after your test. I've found that .htaccess files are a pain to upload via FTP. Rename them locally to htaccess.txt, upload them and then rename them .htaccess. May help.

Have to say, this does sound like a htaccess issue. The file will be called .htaccess and *should* be visible in your FTP client. If possible, rename the file htaccess.txt and test your php files. Remember to rename it again after your test. I've found that .htaccess files are a pain to upload via FTP. Rename them locally to htaccess.txt, upload them and then rename them .htaccess. May help.

Tried did'nt work :(

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