Hi Everyone, i am a final year computer science student.I was thinking of building a secure online voting system for my university's student union elections process. I wondering if anyone has an idea on how i can go about implementing the system.I would really appreciate any help you give to me.Thanks

Not sure why you choose JSP? It would be easier to program uisng PHP and ASP and there are tons of open source around.

Hi Everyone, i am a final year computer science student.I was thinking of building a secure online voting system for my university's student union elections process. I wondering if anyone has an idea on how i can go about implementing the system.I would really appreciate any help you give to me.Thanks

There is a lot to think about here...

First, are you going to build the whole system in JSP? Using a combination of servlets with JSP would be much better.

Is everything going to be secure? Using certificates?

How are you going to verify that the user is who they say they are and stop them from voting twice, or three time, etc...



Yes i am planning to make the system as secure as possible, i was thinking of using digital certificate or SSL to secure the system. Just dont know how to go about implementing these security features. Need tips

Don't go and implement those things yourself. There's many libraries available to take care of such things for you that do a far better job than what you could come up with.
Security is a complex issue, and very hard to get right (be careful selecting your tools therefore, many of them are bound to have serious flaws).

SSL for example starts at your webserver but doesn't stop there.

ALWAYS doublecheck all your input data, both clientside and serverside validation should take place on it.
Login details should be stored such that they can't be decrypted (just in case your database server gets compromised.
If that sounds impossible, it isn't (I've done it myself) :)

As said, use a proper architecture. Servlets, Javabeans, and JSP (using JSTL of course, not scriptlets).
Forget (IMO) about EJB, they're overkill for almost every scenario.

Write proper analysis and design documents. Those are IMO even more important than the actual code for a small project like this, especially in an academic setting (of course in the real world the code is the only thing that counts, but if the design sucks so will the code and most likely it will never get done).

Hi, thanks for the info, i will start the design, and see how it goes from there, but pls if you have any other ideas i could use to make my online voting system more unique do let me know.

Hi, thanks for the info, i will start the design, and see how it goes from there, but pls if you have any other ideas i could use to make my online voting system more unique do let me know.

Don't make it unique. Make it functional.

Unique sites don't get used. Functional sites do.



Correct. And employers don't look for unique solutions, they look for working solutions that can be maintained by others when you're gone.

Hi, i am trying to install apache tomcat server on my computer, but it seems its inaccessible from the tomcat website, do u know any other way in which i can download tomcat, or if there are better web servers i can use with JSP to build my online voting system. Thanks

u can use jbuilder
it is very powerful program and it will save alot for u
u can build ur js page easily
it has built in tomcat
by the way my graduation project is also about e-voting

Hi maya,

Thanks for the info, i will try out jbuilder and see how it goes from there. So your project is on e-voting as well, interesting, we should help each other out u know, share ideas!! what do u think :)

What features is your e-voting system going to have, really need ideas for my voting system project.

What features is your e-voting system going to have, really need ideas for my voting system project.

believe me ,i'm like looooooooooooooser
don't collect any thing till now
and asking if u could help me?

Hi Maya

Need some tips on how i can go about the design of the evoting system. I have been told by my lecturers to try and make the system as secure as possible, please if u have any ideas on how i can implement security let me know. Thank you.

N.B: Hope your project is going well.

Hi, thanks for the info, i will start the design, and see how it goes from there, but pls if you have any other ideas i could use to make my online voting system more unique do let me know.

Hi there

i was browsing for the topic in the subject and I read your request for help in this forum ..

I know that 2 years have passed since you posted the message.. and I was wondering if you managed to implement it or not?? since i an thinking of creating one myself for my thesis..

Hope you 'll get this message and maybe give me some help of the best ways to design it.


Hi there

i was browsing for the topic in the subject and I read your request for help in this forum ..

I know that 2 years have passed since you posted the message.. and I was wondering if you managed to implement it or not?? since i an thinking of creating one myself for my thesis..

Hope you 'll get this message and maybe give me some help of the best ways to design it.


hey hi Jennifer.

Did you manage to do you online voting system, well i would also like to do an online voting system for our University students union, so i would like to know how you handled security, or if anyone out there can help, pliz reply.

Simplest solution would be have database with table of user details with unique ID for each member. This would hold username and password at-least to ensure that voting member is who he/she say is. For each voting process I would create new table with members ID's and vote cats of Boolean type to see if the person already voted or not (not they selected vote option). Plus I would have table with vote options where each option will hold integer value that will be incremented depending on members vote. Is that understandable?

an even simpler solution is to check the timestamps on posts before replying to them...


I am Ashutosh, a 3rd year btech student. I have got a project to make on online voting system ...... please tell me what functionalities should i include in my project ..... i m making it in JSP .... please tell me more about this prject so that i can make it well.

What functionalities? That is up to you to find out. Every student project require some degree of RESEARCH!

ofcourse i know some research has to be done .......but still if i could get some idea !!!!!

I'm sorry this is not "IDEA STORE" we can help you with some technical issues, but not with functionality

I'm sorry this is not "IDEA STORE" we can help you with some technical issues, but not with functionality

okay dude ....... i will figure out the ideas myself ..... thnxxx for ur valuable time that u spen in replying my posts ..... will post the technicalities related issues latrer

i will say make the proper plan first.
then see which technology wil be more
and then select one.

Hi Everyone, i am a final year computer science student.I was thinking of building a secure online voting system for my university's student union elections process. I wondering if anyone has an idea on how i can go about implementing the system.I would really appreciate any help you give to me.Thanks

hey we are in same boat maybe we could help each other out here am doin Bsc IT in final year and i also intend to do the same project ..im thinking PHP wat bout you?

Closing thread as there is another time traveller.

Suggestion for timsam, start new thread in appropriate section with full problem description instead of bumping all thread. The above thread does not even have attempted start just give me solution...

What kind of voting system? Like polling? Why not just use something like SurveyMonkey?

Member Avatar for diafol

Why are you necroposting to a 11 year old thread? Are you preparing to spam? Troll? :)

I was replying to a post that has since been deleted. At the time I didn't realize it was a reply to an old post and I thought it was a new question. Either way, my reasoning still stands. SueveyMonkey for polling.

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