Hello all,
Just took a JavaScript class, where they didn't teach us anything about slide shows. Now I have a client and I promised them a slide show on their website. I made an external Js file, and Firefox debugger keeps on giving me this error: document[place].src is undefined.

Here's the code from the external .js, again really unfamiliar with this so I based it off example code I found:

var num=0; 
var imgName="pictures/";
var slideImg= new Array();
slideImg[0]=new imageItem(imgName+"1.jpg");
slideImg[1]=new imageItem(imgName+"2.jpg");
slideImg[2]=new imageItem(imgName+"3.jpg");

function imageItem(image_location)
  this.image_item = new Image();
  this.image_item.src = image_location;

function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj)

function getNextImage()
   if(num < slideImg.length)
   var new_img=get_ImageItemLocation(slideImg[num]);

function switchImage(place)
  var  new_img = getNextImage();

The problem should be in the last function switchImage(). Any help at all would be appreciated guys, thanks!


Maybe this is what you want.


That didn't work either, but It seem to be more of a people want to make things complicated even with their tutorials. I found a much easier way of doing it in an old text book. So I just based my code off that. It works, and it makes me realize more that people have to complicate what could be simple code for no good reason. X_X

Thanks anyway guys appreciate the help!

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