
i have multiple buttons in a jsp page ..
consider a department page where i have 3 textboxes---
1- dept number
2-dept name
3-dept location

below these i have 7 buttons---

when i click on the button how do i get results on the same page...
for eg- if i press "next" the record next to the present record should appear in the textboxes.... likewise when i press "previous" the previous record should appear in the textboxes....

wat concept should i use??


thank u for replyin...

any other method apart from ajax...???

i dont know much so my questions may sound a bit crazy to u...

can we use events in jsp???

jsp runs on the server, the browser runs on the client. You need network communication. AJAX (or write the necessary JavaScript yourself).

Edit: Of course, you can always just submit the form.

jsp runs on the server, the browser runs on the client. You need network communication. AJAX (or write the necessary JavaScript yourself).

Edit: Of course, you can always just submit the form.

in jsf we use events to get a feel of awt rite...like actionevents n different other events....
so in d same way can we use events in jsps???
can it solve my purpose...

ajax is ok... but i want someother way...

No. I am not just typing in order to watch the letters assemble across the screen.

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