Hi there,

At my company we are working on building a website, however javascript is disabled on the server and cannot be enabled. Onclick, onmouseover, etc.....these events do not work either.

Is there any alternative to making my page dynamic? Mainly I'm wanting simple things like being able to fire an event by the click of a mouse. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

If there is no JavaScript enable, you have no way to do it. It is the browser set up... Not sure if Flash could still work, but that may be more than you want.

Member Avatar for Pnorq

Flash, Flex, JavaFx.

you can also still use javaScript or Jquery, but also include the noscript tag for those who do not have javaScript enabled.

I think you should be able to do a lot with CSS and have it seem like Javascript is enabled. For example:
a:hover {color:#FF00FF;} /* mouse over link */

Should work to make your links purple when your visitor passes the maouse over them.

There are CSS Forums here on Daniweb: CSS LINK

Also W3Schools has a complete tutor

Hi there,

At my company we are working on building a website, however javascript is disabled on the server and cannot be enabled. Onclick, onmouseover, etc.....these events do not work either.

Is there any alternative to making my page dynamic? Mainly I'm wanting simple things like being able to fire an event by the click of a mouse. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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