Hiya this is Brims i need an idea for a final year project computer science, nothing too hard time is running out. I want to use either php or asp with database cant seem to think of any applications can someone help please :cry:

Seems a bit of a desparate call with an open end?? How are we supposed to know what you consider not too hard?

How about putting together an AJAX validation script that will validate a form submission, inlcuding domain validation of a submitted email address. Don't forget to allow for clean degradation for non-Javascript enabled UA's.

Thanks for your reply I was thinking of designing an online music video library that will allow multiple access by many users to the same files that will be highly available, with facilities to access the video library by pc, pda, and mobile phones

I know ill have to employ a 3 tier architecture process but is the project worth doing?

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