I have windows xp pro i installed IIS and put the asp script in the wwwroot virtual directory but i cant run the script i dont know why i think i made everything that i saw in all websites about the subject.
Some help please!!
Thanks in advance

What does 'can't run the scripts' mean? Are you getting errors, blank pages, the asp code displayed on screen? Help us to help you.

What does 'can't run the scripts' mean? Are you getting errors, blank pages, the asp code displayed on screen? Help us to help you.

The asp code is displayed on screen.

And are you accessing the page through the browser using a path like:
http://localhost/scriptname.asp OR

If so, and you are still seeing the asp script on screen rather than the output from the script then your installation of IIS has a problem with it. First thing to check would be in the IIS management console that you have index.asp or default.asp as a default file type. Then check that you have execute scripts selected in the Home Directory tab.

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