Sorry to ask this, i know its that simple.
Am working on Java for the first time.
All the tabs that i placed appears below the text. I want the tabs to be appearing right after the text towards the right.
Can someone help me with this.

Attached is the code.

<html xmlns="">
	<div id="wrapper">
		<div id="header">
			<h1>Service Ticket Case Template</h1>
		<ol type="1">
    <lh><Center><h1>Case Template</Center></lh></h1><BR><BR>
    <li>Scope :  Inscope / Out of scope </li><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Inscope</option>
  <option value="">Out Of Scope</option>
  <option selected value=""></option>
    <li>Has customer made any software /hardware changes (If yes, then please list the exact changes) :  </li><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>
    <li>Has the customer run System Recovery :  Yes / No </li><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>
    <li>Troubleshooting : 	</li><BR><BR><textarea name="" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
    <li>Steps accomplished till ASG Intervention point? (if any)  </li><BR><textarea name="" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
    <li>Logic Flow Executed :  Yes / No </li><BR><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>
    <li>Recap and Educated :  Yes / No </li><BR><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>
    <li>Confirmed Resolution (Restarted PC) :  Yes / No </li><BR><BR><select name="">
  <option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>
    <li>Reason for No Resolution (If applicable) :  </li><BR><textarea name="" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
    <li>Refer to 3rd party details (If applicable): </li><BR><textarea name="" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
    <li>Call Back Offered</li><BR><BR><textarea name="" rows="" cols=""></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="CopyToClipboard">
<script type="text/javascript">

function CopyToClipboard()


   CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();



		<p id="footer">Case Template</a>By Sane</p>

Never mind..Found it..thankss

HI again..
I need to insert a line terminator in my code here..

<script type="text/javascript">
    function copy() {
        var holdtext = document.getElementById("holdtext");

        var span1 = document.getElementById("span1").innerText;
        var s1 = document.getElementById("span1value");
        var s1text = s1.options[s1.selectedIndex].text;

        var span2 = document.getElementById("span2").innerText;
        var s2 = document.getElementById("span2select");
        var s2text = s2.options[s2.selectedIndex].text;

        var span3 = document.getElementById("span3").innerText;
        var s3 = document.getElementById("span3select");
        var s3text = s3.options[s3.selectedIndex].text;

        var span4 = document.getElementById("span4").innerText;
        var s4 = document.getElementById("span4select").innerText;

        var span5 = document.getElementById("span5").innerText;
        var s5 = document.getElementById("span5select").innerText;

        var span6 = document.getElementById("span6").innerText;
        var s6 = document.getElementById("span6select");
        var s6text = s6.options[s6.selectedIndex].text;

        var span7 = document.getElementById("span7").innerText;
        var s7 = document.getElementById("span7select");
        var s7text = s7.options[s7.selectedIndex].text;

        var span8 = document.getElementById("span8").innerText;
        var s8 = document.getElementById("span8select");
        var s8text = s8.options[s8.selectedIndex].text;

        var span9 = document.getElementById("span9").innerText;
        var s9 = document.getElementById("span9select").innerText;

        var span10 = document.getElementById("span10").innerText;
        var s10 = document.getElementById("span10select").innerText;

        var span11 = document.getElementById("span11").innerText;
        var s11 = document.getElementById("span11select").innerText;

        var finaltext = span1 + ":" + s1text + span2 + ":" + s2text + span3 + ":" + s3text + span4 + ":" + s4 + span5 + ":" + s5 + +span6 + ":" + s6text + span7 + ":" + s7text + span8 + ":" + s8text + span9 + ":" + s9 + span10 + ":" + s10 + span11 + ":" + s11;

        if (window.clipboardData && clipboardData.setData) {
            clipboardData.setData("Text", finaltext);



<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<h2>Service Ticket Case Template<h2>

<textarea ID="holdtext" style="display:none;">
<ol type="1" style="font-weight: bold;">

<h1>Case Template

<span>1. </span>
<span id="span1" style="display:none;">Scope :  Inscope / Out of scope</span>
<span  style="font-weight:normal">Scope :  Inscope / Out of scope
 <select id="span1value" >
 <option value="">Inscope</option>
  <option value="">Out Of Scope</option>
  <option selected value=""></option>


<span>2. </span>
<span id="span2" style="display:none;">Has customer made any software /hardware changes (If yes, then please list the exact changes) :  </span>
<span style="font-weight:normal">Has customer made any software /hardware changes (If yes, then please list the exact changes) :  <select id="span2select" >
<option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>


<span>3. </span>
<span id="span3" style="display:none;">Has the customer run System Recovery : Yes /No </span>
<span id="span3" style="font-weight:normal">Has the customer run System Recovery :  Yes / No <select id="span3select">
<option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>



<div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
<span>4. </span>
<span id="span4" style="display:none;">Troubleshooting :</span>
<span id="span4" style="font-weight:normal">Troubleshooting :</span></div>
<div style="float: left;">
<textarea id="span4select" name="" rows="" cols="">

<div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
<span>5. </span>
<span id="span5" style="display:none;">Steps accomplished till ASG Intervention point? (if any) </span>
<span id="span5" style="font-weight:normal">Steps accomplished till ASG Intervention point? (if any) </span></div>
<div style="float: left;">
<textarea id="span5select" name="" rows="" cols="">

<span>6. </span>
<span id="span6" style="display:none;">Logic Flow Executed : Yes / No </span>
<span id="span6" style="font-weight:normal">Logic Flow Executed : Yes / No <select id="span6select">
<option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>


<span>7. </span>
<span id="span7" style="display:none;">Recap and Educated :  Yes / No </span>
<span id="span7" style="font-weight:normal">Recap and Educated :  Yes / No <select id="span7select">
<option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>


<span>8. </span>
<span id="span8" style="display:none;">Recap and Educated :  Yes / No </span>
<span id="span8" style="font-weight:normal">Confirmed Resolution (Restarted PC) :  Yes / No <select id="span8select">
<option value="">Yes</option>
  <option selected value="">No</option>


<div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
<span>9. </span>
<span id="span9" style="display:none;">Reason for No Resolution (If applicable) :</span>
<span id="span9" style="font-weight:normal">Reason for No Resolution (If applicable) :  </span></div>
<div style="float: left;">
<textarea id="span9select" name="" rows="" cols="">

<div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
<span>10. </span>
<span id="span10" style="display:none;">Refer to 3rd party details (If applicable): </span>
<span id="span10" style="font-weight:normal">Refer to 3rd party details (If applicable): </span></div>
<div style="float: left;">
<textarea id="span10select" name="" rows="" cols="">

<div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px;">
<span>11. </span>
<span id="span11" style="display:none;">Call Back Offered</span>
<span id="span11" style="font-weight:normal">Call Back Offered</span></div>
<div style="float: left;">
<textarea id="span11select" name="" rows="" cols="">


<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Copy" onclick="copy()">

<h1 style="color:Red">

When i click on copy it does copy all the files. and once i paste it am able to paste it to a notepad. but the problem am facing is it all comes in one line. so how do i put a line terminator so that i can separate the lines, coz right now it all comes in one line.

Perhaps you'd get better answers on an HTML or javascript forum

Moving to Javascript.

Any help...

hmmmm..No Help here.

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