
i have two div with same class name.these two div are generated dynamically by javascript from different server, so i dont have access to css file. i want hide one div when page load. so how to acess the div.


Member Avatar for diafol

I assume that you have to use a
js script for this as php can't affect the divs as they don't exist until after the data has left the server.

You can use jQuery's $('document').ready() to alter the div classes or apply an inline style/css attribute, e.g. style="display:none;" or $('.classname').css("display","none");

Of course, as you'll guess, you have to reference the first or second of the two divs as they have the same class. If they have ids, you could reference them directly like that, e.g. $('#idname').css("display","none");

If not, say it's only the first div:

$(".classname:first").css("display", "none");

or for last:

$(".classname:last").css("display", "none");

You can then use

$(".classname:last").css("display", "");

to show the div - link this to an event, e.g. click.

Anyway, I'm a duffer at js/jQuery, so you may get a better response over at the js forum.

Member Avatar for cuonic

Yeah, nothing to do with PHP...

Moving to JS.

In jQuery, you can address the two divs collectively as follows:


Or individually as follows:

$("div.myclassname").eq(0).hide(); //first div
$("div.myclassname").eq(1).hide(); //second div

In these examples, the div(s) are hidden. For some other action, change hide() .


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