
I'll describe the following scenario:

I got a table with td's and each of the got onchange and onclick

when i change value of a td and click on other td i get the onchange event(of the first td) being fired and then the onclick (of the other td) being fired


if inside the onchange event I use transformNode function , it will result in disabling the onclick event of the other td...

How can I solve this issue and make the onclick event being fired ???

Thanks ahead,


I can only think that you have to reattach the onclick handler to the td after calling transformNode.


I can only think that you have to reattach the onclick handler to the td after calling transformNode.


I tried it with jQuery , but it seems not to work, it fires only for the "second" click and for the first (and the relevant one)

there must be some other way (wonder what)

I also tried window.event.stopbubble and .event.stopbubble with true and false...

nothing helped... :/

The only other thing I can think of is to avoid XSLT and achieve the effect of the transform with more straightforward DHTML/jquery/CSS manipulation.

(I avoid XSLT as much as possible)


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