
Im building an web application where im using number of views & stored procedure..

i just want to apply performance tuning techniques for my application.

while reviewing the code, i realized that lots of my views are being called in the Code behind file of the UI..i don understand how i can remove the call from there & place it in m Business logic layer.

I have seen some performance boosting techniques on MSDN,like Output caching & but im also not sure if that works out.

please help me n tell m how can i increase the performance of my application

You call some business logic layer public method from the UI, and in that method you make an SQL call and return the result of the call to the UI.

It's also recommended to have a separate Data Access Layer for reading data from DB, Business Logic Layer's functionality is just to process data (perform some calculations etc).

@AlexERS : Yes..i have done that too...but is there any other way to improve the performance when using Views in the application? im trying to replace the views with stored procedures in the application.

i have heard about using the output cache in every page. but im not sure about how to use it...

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