HI,I am web development beginner and i have to make an online database project in just 8 to 9 weeks,please recommend me that which tool i should use to make my project that is fast ,reliable and efficient...
Following are the tools under my consideration

Dream weaver

Please recommend if any other powerful and fast tool...and suggest me how and from where to start.

First you need a webserver with php5 & mysql, for example xampp for windows http://www.apachefriends.org/de/xampp.html (or lamp for linux)
Then use a HTML/CSS/PHP Editor like Dreamweaver or Notepad++
a good tool to work with a database is phpMyAdmin
then use a CMS, depending on what you need for your project, i would recommend wordpress for blog or joomla/dupral for a static page.

Dream weaver

When it comes to php Dream weaver doesn't make the best development tool as it is very buggy and doesn't accept a lot of php syntax. Those sorts of problems with dreamweaver commonly pop up on these forums which why I don't recommend it. The tools that I would recommend are as follows:
A webserver with cpanel
Mediawiki CMS
And phpmyadmin comes with xampp. So that is all that is really needed to get started with php.

some people are recommending me for wordpress,they said its very easy and freindly and use wamp rather then xamp because their are some limitations and problem in xamp.
What you say

some people are recommending me for wordpress,they said its very easy and freindly and use wamp rather then xamp because their are some limitations and problem in xamp.
What you say

I would have to say that wamp has more limitations the xampp due to design flaws. The way I see it, wamp is noob based or in other words designed for those who don't want to deal with all of the real server capabilities where as xampp is a neat portable package that allows for maximum productivity in an environment where changes can easily be made to the apache settings along with importing modules for php.

For example, if you were to import the mssql module in wamp you would have to get a plugin designed for your version of wamp if there is a plugin in existance. If there is no such plugin then you will need to make one yourself as will happen with many modules including modules you might build youself. Then to import the plugin that can be all sorts of fun and games in wamp if things don't go to plan because if you got the wrong version plugin then it can cause damage to your wamp server and in some cases I have seen where people have had to uninstall wamp and reinstall due to that reason.

However in xampp non of this happens. All you need to do is uncomment the line in the php.ini file. To know which php.ini file it is you simply run the script <?php phpinfo(); ?> and in there will be the path to your php.ini file. And after uncommenting the line with the dll (removing the ; ) you then restart apache. To restart apache, all you need to do is open the control panel click stop, wait 15 seconds (that's important) then click start. If you didn't wait the whole 15 seconds and couldn't get apache to start all you need to do is double click the stopapache.bat file and try starting apache in the control.exe file again and it should work. Not you should only single click in control.exe to start. A lot simpler than wamp.

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