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I have 3 tables.

product_code | product_header
12345        | Wilson Pro-staff Grip plus Glove

product_code | attribute_id
12345        | 1
12345        | 2

attribute_id | attribute_name
1            | Size
2            | Colour

This is the output that I would like to have:

product_code | product_header                         | attributes
12345        | Wilson Pro-staff Grip plus Glove       | Size, Colour

How can I do this on PostgreSQL or MS SQL?

Does it have to be those DB types? Or is mySQL good for you?

you can try something along the lines of the following:

select * from (product left join product_attribute on product.product_code = product_attribute.productcode) left join product_attribute_types on product_attribute.attribute_id = product_attriubute_types.attribute_id;
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