Newb here.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/litt6041/public_html/listing/wp-content/plugins/great-real-estate/templatefunctions.php on line 1502

Heres the code I have in that doccument. Sorry its so long. For some reason dreamweaver adds a bunch of spaces when viewing.

Please help, Thanks!



 * public functions provided by the Great Real Estate plugin

 * these functions abstract the interface so we can have the freedom

 * to make later changes without busting stuff


 * #########################################################

 *  Use these functions in themes. 

 *  eg: <?php the_listing_listprice(); ?>


 * IMPORTANT! before using these template tags,

 * you must set up the listing data.

 * In a regular loop, add this:

 * 	<?php getandsetup_listingdata(); ?>




 * Changelog:

 * [2008-08-02] added filters to get_pages_with_listings to retrieve only homes for sale (allsales) or for rent (allrentals)

 * [2008-08-02] added functions get_listing_acsf_noformat(), get_listing_totsf_noformat(), get_listing_acres_noformat which return just a number without formatting

 * [2008-07-27] added quote escaping in google map popup the_listing_js_mapinfo() to avoid JavaScript errors

 * [2008-06-27] added map option to show_listings_featured()

 * [2008-06-27] changed map_canvas id to gre_map_canvas to reduce conflicts



function is_listing() {

	global $post;

	# user must set this; any subpage is considered a listing

	if (get_option('greatrealestate_pageforlistings') == $post->post_parent) {

		return TRUE;


	return FALSE;


function is_listing_index() {

	global $post;

	# user must set this

	if (get_option('greatrealestate_pageforlistings') == $post->ID) {

		return TRUE;


	return FALSE;


# short text description

function get_listing_blurb() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->blurb;


function the_listing_blurb() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->blurb;


# list price of the home, eg: 250000, formatted

function get_listing_listprice() {

	global $listing;

	if ($listing->listprice <= 0) return "";

	return __("$","greatrealestate") . number_format($listing->listprice);


function the_listing_listprice() {   

	global $listing;

	if ($listing->listprice <= 0) return "";

	echo __("$","greatrealestate") . number_format($listing->listprice);


# what it sold for eg: 225000

function get_listing_saleprice() {

	global $listing;

	if ($listing->saleprice <= 0) return "";

	return __("$","greatrealestate") . number_format($listing->saleprice);


function the_listing_saleprice() {

	global $listing;

	if ($listing->saleprice <= 0) return "";

	echo __("$","greatrealestate") . number_format($listing->saleprice);


function get_listing_listdate() {

	// returns in mm/dd/yyyy format for use with input forms

	global $listing;

	return mdy_dateformat($listing->listdate);


function the_listing_listdate() {

	// returns in preferred format for end-user displays

	global $listing;

	echo mywp_dateformat($listing->listdate);


function get_listing_saledate() {

	// returns in mm/dd/yyyy format for use with input forms

	global $listing;

	return mdy_dateformat($listing->saledate);


function the_listing_saledate() {

	// returns in preferred format for end-user displays

	global $listing;

	echo mywp_dateformat($listing->saledate);


# current listing status eg: For Sale, For Rent, Pending Sale, etc

function get_listing_status() {

	global $listing;

	global $re_status;

	return $re_status[$listing->status];


function the_listing_status() {

	global $listing;

	global $re_status;

	echo $re_status[$listing->status];


function get_listing_hasclosed() {

	global $listing;

	global $re_status;

	$status = $listing->status;

	if (($status == RE_SOLD) || ($status == RE_RENTED)) return true;

	return false;


# TODO : listing status images

# Date listed (in blog date format)

# Thumbnail image - <img> tag format 

function get_listing_thumbnail() {

	$galleryid = get_listing_galleryid();

	return listings_showfirstpic($galleryid,'listing-thumb');


function the_listing_thumbnail() {

	$galleryid = get_listing_galleryid();

	echo listings_showfirstpic($galleryid);


# Geocode info - Latitude and Longitude - digital format

function get_listing_latitude() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->latitude;


function get_listing_longitude() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->longitude;


# Note: these interface functions can be utilized in your themes 

# if you decide to call a plugin function

# just give it the id from one of these functions

# Gallery - uses nggallery

function get_listing_galleryid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->galleryid;


# Video - uses wordtube

function get_listing_videoid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->videoid;


# Downloads - uses WP Download Manager

# returns a comma separated list

function get_listing_downloadid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->downloadid;


# Panoramas - Uses Media attachments from current post

# (Video/Quicktime - ie MOV files - should be QuicktimeVR)

# returns a comma separated list

function get_listing_panoid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->panoid;


function get_listing_bedrooms() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->bedrooms;


function the_listing_bedrooms() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->bedrooms;


function get_listing_bathrooms() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->bathrooms;


function the_listing_bathrooms() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->bathrooms;


function get_listing_halfbaths() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->halfbaths;


function the_listing_halfbaths() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->halfbaths;


function get_listing_garage() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->garage;


function the_listing_garage() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->garage;


function get_listing_acsf() {

	global $listing;

	return number_format((double)$listing->acsf);


function get_listing_acsf_noformat() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->acsf;


function the_listing_acsf() {

	global $listing;

	echo number_format($listing->acsf);


function get_listing_totsf() {

	global $listing;

	return number_format($listing->totsf);


function get_listing_totsf_noformat() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->totsf;


function the_listing_totsf() {

	global $listing;

	echo number_format($listing->totsf);


function get_listing_acres() {

	global $listing;

	return number_format((double)$listing->acres,2);


function get_listing_acres_noformat() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->acres;


function the_listing_acres() {

	global $listing;

	echo number_format($listing->acres,2);


function get_listing_featureid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->featureid;


function get_listing_haspool() {

	return get_listing_hasfeature(RE_FEAT_POOL);


function get_listing_haswater() {

	return get_listing_hasfeature(RE_FEAT_WATER);


function get_listing_hasgolf() {

	return get_listing_hasfeature(RE_FEAT_GOLF);


function get_listing_hascondo() {

	return get_listing_hasfeature(RE_FEAT_CONDO);


function get_listing_hastownhome() {

	return get_listing_hasfeature(RE_FEAT_TH);


function get_listing_address() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->address;


function the_listing_address() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->address;


function get_listing_city() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->city;


function the_listing_city() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->city;


function get_listing_state() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->state;


function the_listing_state() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->state;


function get_listing_postcode() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->postcode;


function the_listing_postcode() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->postcode;


function get_listing_mlsid() {

	global $listing;

	return $listing->mlsid;


function the_listing_mlsid() {

	global $listing;

	echo $listing->mlsid;


// * these functions generate the various detail panel content and tabs

// NOTE: jQuery depends on the output structure to enable the 

// tabbed navigation

// the _tab functions create the tab itself only if there is content

// the _content functions output the actual content

function the_listing_description_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	global $post;

	if (!$post->post_content) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#text" title="'.__("Property description","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


// following function should be used in the regular content pane,

// before the tabbed section begins

function the_listing_description_beforemore() {

	echo get_listing_description_beforemore();


// what goes outside the tabbed area

function get_listing_description_beforemore() {

	// outputs whatever is in front of the MORE tag

	// (not really an excerpt so we don't use that term)

	global $post;

	if (!$post) return;

	if (!$post->post_content) return;

	$splitpost = get_extended($post->post_content);

	if ($splitpost['extended']) {

		$output = '<div class="listing-summary">';

		$beforemore = $splitpost['main']; // just output the beginning

		// tell our own filter to skip

		$spctag = '<!--grenofilters-->';

		$beforemore .= $spctag;

		$beforemore = apply_filters('the_content', $beforemore);

		$output .= $beforemore;

		$output .= '</div>';

		return $output;



// what goes inside the tabbed area - echoed

function the_listing_description_content() {

	// pardon the assumptions in formatting

	global $post;

	if (!$post) return;

	if (!$post->post_content) return;


	<div id="text">  

	<h2>Property Details</h2>


	$splitpost = get_extended($post->post_content);

	$spctag = '<!--grenofilters-->';

	// check if there's a more tag

	if ($extension = $splitpost['extended']) {

		// just continue after more tag

		$extension = apply_filters('the_content', $spctag . $extension );

		$extension = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $extension);

		echo $extension;

	} else {

		// the whole ball o wax, filtered as usual

		// nothing will be seen above the tabs since there was

		// no MORE tag

		$main = apply_filters('the_content', $spctag . $splitpost['main']);

		$main = str_replace(']]>', ']]&gt;', $main);

		echo $main;








function the_listing_gallery_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	if (!function_exists('nextgengallery_picturelist')) return;

	if (!get_listing_galleryid()) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#photogallery" title="'.__("Photo Gallery","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_gallery_content() {

	if (!function_exists('nextgengallery_picturelist')) return;

	if (!($galleryid = get_listing_galleryid())) return;


<div id="photogallery">

<h2><?php _e("Photo Gallery"); ?></h2>

   <div><?php listings_nggshowgallery($galleryid); ?></div>





function the_listing_video_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	if (!function_exists('the_listing_wtvideo')) return;

	if (!get_listing_videoid()) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#videos" title="'.__("Video Walkthrough","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_video_content() {

	if (!function_exists('the_listing_wtvideo')) return;

	if (!($videoid = get_listing_videoid())) return;


<div id="videos">

<h2><?php _e("Video Walkthrough"); ?></h2>

   <div><?php the_listing_wtvideo($videoid); ?></div>





function the_listing_panorama_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	if (!function_exists('show_fpp_panos')) return;

	if (!get_listing_panoid()) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#panoramas" title="'.__("360&deg; Panoramas","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_panorama_content() {

	if (!function_exists('show_fpp_panos')) return;

	if (!($panoids = get_listing_panoid())) return;


<div id="panoramas">

<h2><?php _e("Panoramas",'greatrealestate'); ?><span id="vr_label"></span></h2>


	show_fpp_panos($panoids); // this is the documented template function

				// for the fpp-pano plugin






function the_listing_downloads_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	if (!function_exists('downloadmanager_showdownloadlink')) return;

	if (!get_listing_downloadid()) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#downloads" title="'.__("Downloads","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_downloads_content() {

	if (!function_exists('downloadmanager_showdownloadlink')) return;

        if (!($downloadids = get_listing_downloadid())) return;


<div id="downloads">



<div class="lfloat">

<?php echo downloadmanager_showdownloadlink($downloadids); ?>


<div class="adobe-reader"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Download Adobe Reader software" ><img src="<?php echo GRE_URLPATH; ?>/images/get_adobe_reader.gif" alt="Download Adobe Reader" /></a></div>

	<div class="cfloat">&nbsp;</div>






// Note: due to jQuery Tabs weirdness, it is recommended that

// this be the first tab to display if it exists

// Otherwise, gMaps may not properly initialize and the map

// will be messed up

function the_listing_map_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {

	if (!get_option('greatrealestate_googleAPIkey')) return;

	if (!get_listing_longitude()) return;

	if (!get_listing_latitude()) return;

	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#map"  title="'.__("Location Map","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_map_content() {

	if (!get_option('greatrealestate_googleAPIkey')) return;

	if (!get_listing_longitude()) return;

	if (!get_listing_latitude()) return;

	// See the jQuery code in the main great-real-estate.php file

	// for how to make GMaps work nice with tabbed panels


	// TODO - only one function call and a var definition, put the

	//        rest in the header for cleaner page


<div id="map">

   <h2>Location Map</h2>

   <div><div id="gre_map_canvas"></div></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

/* <![CDATA[ */

	function gre_setupmap() {

		var prop_point = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo get_listing_latitude(); ?>,<?php echo get_listing_longitude(); ?>);

		gre_map.setCenter(prop_point, 13);

		var prop_marker = gre_createMarker(prop_point, '<?php the_listing_js_mapinfo(); ?>');



	google.load("maps", "2");



/* ]]> */





// The HTML popup for our listing on gMaps

function the_listing_js_mapinfo() {

	// stick in JS, do not add linefeeds, no single quotes!

	// escape </ to <\/

	echo '<div id="gmap-info">' . 

		'<h3>' . addslashes(get_listing_blurb()) . '<\/h3>' .


	echo "<div>";


	echo "<br />";


	echo ", ";


	echo "  ";


	echo "<br />";

	echo get_listing_bedrooms() . "BR / " .

		get_listing_bathrooms() . "." .

		get_listing_halfbaths() . "BA";

	echo "<br />";

        echo get_listing_status() . " ";

	if (get_listing_hasclosed()) {

		echo get_listing_saleprice(); 

	} else {

		echo get_listing_listprice(); 


	echo "<\/div>";

	echo "<\/div>";


// NEIGHBORHOOD - not yet implemented

function the_listing_community_tab($before='<li>',$after='</li>') {


	echo $before;

	echo '<a href="#community"  title="'.__("Community Information","greatrealestate") . '" ><span>';


	echo '</span></a>';

	echo $after;


function the_listing_community_content() {



<div id="community">

   <h2>Community Information</h2>

   <div>This feature is not implemented.</div>




// display featured homes on sidebar or on home page

// uses different display types

// v1.1 - added map type, rewrote to support shortcodes (added get_)

function show_listings_featured($maxlistings = '',$sort = 'random',$type = 'basic',$heading = 'Featured Listings') {

	echo get_listings_featured($maxlistings,$sort,$type,$heading);


function get_listings_featured($maxlistings = '',$sort = 'random',$type = 'basic',$heading = 'Featured Listings') {

	$maxtoshow = (int) $maxlistings;

	if ((!$maxlistings) || $maxlistings == '' || ($maxtoshow <= 0)) {

		// use default setting

		$maxtoshow = (int) get_option('greatrealestate_maxfeatured');


	global $wpdb;

	// handle map type - does not use db call, uses XML feed

	if (( 'map' == $type ) && 

	    ( get_option('greatrealestate_googleAPIkey') ) ) {

		    $output = <<<ENDOFHTMLBLOCK

<div id="featuredlistings-map" class="featuredlistings-map">


<div id="gre_map_multi"></div>


<script type="text/javascript">

/* <![CDATA[ */

	google.load("maps", "2");


/* ]]> */



		return $output;


 	$featured = get_pages_with_featured_listings($maxtoshow,$sort);

	if (! $featured) {

		return "<!-- no featured listings -->";


	// definitely have something to show - spit it out

	$output = <<<ENDOFHTMLBLOCK

<div id="featuredlistings" class="featuredlistings-${type}">



	global $post;

	$oldpost = $post; // save for after the loop - IMPORTANT

	if ( 'text' == $type ) {

		$output .= "<ul>";


  	foreach ($featured as $post) {



		switch ($type) {

		case 'text':

			$output .= '<li><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" ' .

			 'title="' . __('More about ','greatrealestate') .

			 get_the_title() . '">';

			$output .= get_the_title() . '</a>';

			$output .= "<br />";

			$output .= get_listing_status() . " " .

			 get_listing_listprice() . '</li>';


		case 'basic' :

		default :

			$output .= '<div class="prop-box-featured">';

			$output .= '<div class="prop-thumb">';

			$output .= get_listing_thumbnail();

			$output .= "</div>";

			$output .= '<h3><a href="' . get_permalink() .

			 '" title="' . __('More about','greatrealestate') .

			 get_the_title() . '">' . get_the_title() .


			$output .= '<p><em>' . get_listing_blurb() .


			$output .= '<p>' . get_listing_status() .

			       ' ' . get_listing_listprice() . '</p>';

			$output .= '</div>';




	if ( 'text' == $type ) {

		$output .= "</ul>";


	$output .= "</div>";

	$post = $oldpost; // restore saved post - IMPORTANT!

	return $output;


/* Database related functions


 * These query the listings database (and the posts database)

 * and set up the $listings global so it can be used by the

 * template tags.


 * You must set up the listings before using the template tags



# Template tag - get_pages_with_active_listings()

# returns posts that have active (For Sale, For Rent) listings

function get_pages_with_active_listings($limit,$sort = "") {

	return get_pages_with_listings($limit,$sort,"active");


function get_pages_with_pending_listings($limit,$sort = "") {

	return get_pages_with_listings($limit,$sort,"pending");


function get_pages_with_sold_listings($limit,$sort) {

	return get_pages_with_listings($limit,$sort,"sold");


function get_pages_with_featured_listings($limit,$sort = "") {

	return get_pages_with_listings($limit,$sort,"featured");


// Generic function

function get_pages_with_listings($limit,$sort,$filter) {

	global $wpdb;

	// returns page data with listings; published pages only


	// options:

	// limit = none (default), or numeric number of listings eg: 1, 4, etc

	// sort = title (default), saledate (most recent first), highprice, lowprice, random, listdate (most recent first)

	// filter = none (default), active, pending, sold, featured


	// determine how to filter

	// cant specify a table - TODO fix

	switch ($filter) {

	case 'allrentals' :

		$filterclause = 

    			"AND (status = " . RE_FORRENT . 

       			" OR status = " . RE_PENDINGLEASE .

       			" OR status = " . RE_RENTED . " ) ";


	case 'allsales' :

		$filterclause = 

    			"AND (status = " . RE_FORSALE . 

       			" OR status = " . RE_PENDINGSALE .

       			" OR status = " . RE_SOLD . " ) ";


	case 'active' :

		$filterclause = 

    			"AND (status = " . RE_FORSALE . 

       			" OR status = " . RE_FORRENT . " ) ";


	case 'pending' :

		$filterclause = 

    			"AND (status = " . RE_PENDINGSALE . 

       			" OR status = " . RE_PENDINGLEASE . " ) ";


	case 'sold' :

		$filterclause = 

    			"AND (status = " . RE_SOLD . 

       			" OR status = " . RE_RENTED . " ) ";


	case 'featured' :

		$filterclause = "AND featured = 'featured'";


	case 'none' :


		$filterclause = "";



	$do_rand_query = false;

	// determine how to sort

witch ($sort) {

	case 'listdate': 

		// most recent (newest) listing first

		$sortclause = "ORDER BY listings.listdate DESC";


	case 'saledate': 

		// most recent sale first

		$sortclause = "ORDER BY listings.saledate DESC";


	case 'highprice': 

		// most expensive first

		$sortclause = "ORDER BY listings.listprice DESC";


	case 'lowprice': 

		$sortclause = "ORDER BY listings.listprice ASC";


	case 'random': 

		$sortclause = "ORDER BY RAND()"; 

		$do_rand_query = true; // this triggers special handling


	case 'title': 


		$sortclause = "ORDER BY wposts.post_title ASC";



	// determine how to limit

	$numlimit = (int) $limit;

	$limitclause = "";

	if ($numlimit > 0) {

		$limitclause = "LIMIT $numlimit";



	// set up the query


	// special handling for a random query - main reason for scaling

	// inspired from

	$randquerystr = "

		SELECT wposts.*, listings.* 

		FROM (

			SELECT ml.pageid pid

			FROM $wpdb->posts wp, $wpdb->gre_listings ml 

			WHERE wp.post_status = 'publish'


			AND wp.post_type = 'page'

			AND wp.ID = ml.pageid

    			ORDER BY RAND() $limitclause )  


		JOIN $wpdb->posts wposts ON wposts.ID =

		JOIN $wpdb->gre_listings listings ON listings.pageid =


	// NOTE: on WINDOWS the RANDOM_LISTINGS result may be cached so

	// subsequent calls result in the same list; if you notice this,

	// and a preformance hit doesn't matter, set 

	//$do_rand_query = false; // all the time

	$querystr = "

    SELECT wposts.*, listings.*

    FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->gre_listings listings

    WHERE wposts.ID = listings.pageid 


    AND wposts.post_status = 'publish' 

    AND wposts.post_type = 'page' 

    $sortclause $limitclause


	if ($do_rand_query) {

		$pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($randquerystr, OBJECT);

	} else {

		$pageposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);


	return $pageposts;


// call this inside the loop to setup $listings with associated data

function getandsetup_listingdata() {

	global $wpdb;

	global $post;

	$postid = $post->ID;

	if (!$postid) return;

	// Note this only sets up the single listing

	$querystr = "

    SELECT *

    FROM $wpdb->gre_listings 

    WHERE pageid = '$postid'

    LIMIT 1


	$listingrow = $wpdb->get_row($querystr, OBJECT);



// use this only for complex queries that return a resultset, 

// the resultset MUST include fields from the listing table

// it's not necessary to include all the fields, but advisable...

// if you only use a subset, you must include pageid


// pass it one row at a time

function setup_listingdata($row) {

	if (!$row) return;

	if (!$row->pageid) return; // not a listing row

	global $listing;

	global $listing_cols;

	// take a query row and save it as a global array we can reference

	foreach ($row as $key => $value) {

		// only use valid row names

		if (in_array($key,$listing_cols)) {

			$listing->$key = $value;




Member Avatar for diafol
witch ($sort) {

on line 1501 should be

switch ($sort) {
witch ($sort) {

on line 1501 should be

switch ($sort) {

Thanks that worked now I get this.

Warning: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given in /home/litt6041/public_html/listing/wp-content/plugins/great-real-estate/templatefunctions.php on line 443

Member Avatar for diafol

Sorry fella, the first one was a freebie. Althoutgh you'te a noob you really need to do your own work. The error states that you're passing a string instead of a number so check the data that's being passed.

Sorry fella, the first one was a freebie. Althoutgh you'te a noob you really need to do your own work. The error states that you're passing a string instead of a number so check the data that's being passed.

Well I added (double) after number_format

return number_format((double)$listing->totsf);

See i'm not an automotive technician not a web designer. I made this site for free for my buddies who were just starting out in the real estate business. Had some spare time after a hip replacement so I thought Id help em out and give it a try. So when I said noob I mean have really no Idea at all. I just edited some templates and found a decent listings page that they could easily add listings in wordpress. I found this form and thought id see if I could get some help. Thanks for your help on the first problem.

so does it still give you troubles?

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