Can anyone plz explain wot does PHP stands for?

is it Personal Home Page


Hypertext Preprocessor (as written on their official site)?

PHP is a server-side programming language which is used to serve dynamic content on the web. It is short for Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP is sometimes (earlier) called "Personal Home Page" or sometimes "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".
As you can see in the later form 'PHP' word is included in full form itself, hence it's sometimes called recursive acronym. But it is said that in the second full form. PHP -> "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", PHP stands for the "Personal Home Page" thus making it logical. :)

php stands for hypertext preprocessor. previously it was called as personal home page(in past). php is an open-source scripting language. we also can used it for shell scripting. it is very easy to learn and powerfull language .

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.
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PHP stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor"

May be "Personal Home Page" was the term when php was invented but not being used anymore.

PHP..programming language which is used to serve dynamic content on the web. It is short for Hypertext Preprocessor.

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