hello EveryOne!
i am very new in JS and JSON , or you can say this is my first day to learn something about JS and JSON, i have few questions
1- what is difference between JS and JSON.
2-My Task is to connect MSSQL server 2008 and show records in table from where i can start working
3- Any site,Blog , Tutorial video or online book which you recommend for me .
4-I have knowledge about HTML and little bit php ,so can it will easy for me to complete my task

please help me ,every ans will help me to complete my task

Best Regards

M.Waqas Aslam

1. JSON is normally used in AJAX where it provide temporally connection to database.
2. Please mention the programming language used to connect.
3. If you wish to dig into jquery, you can refer its API at http://api.jquery.com/

i am using asp.net with c# , can you little bit explain about ajax with JSON .

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