Hello, this one is probably really simple, but I am a noob... I just want the password confirmation function to work and I would also like the password to not equal the username.

I am running into a problem with how I set up the logic for my variables. Trying to fix my registration and login page. All the other logic statements work just fine.

Thank you.


class Register
  private $username;
  private $password;
  private $confirm_password;
  private $passmd5;
  private $email;
  private $errors;
  private $token;

  public function __construct()
    $this->errors 			 = array();
    $this->username 		 = $this->filter($_POST['ruser']);
    $this->password 	         	 = $this->filter($_POST['rpass']);
    $this->confirm_password     = $this->filter($_POST['rconfirm_rpass']);
    $this->email    		         = $this->filter($_POST['remail']);
    $this->token  			 = $_POST['token'];
    $this->passmd5                   = md5($this->password);

  public function process()
    if($this->valid_token() && $this->valid_data())

    return count($this->errors)? 0 : 1;

  public function filter($var)
    return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9@.]/','',$var);

  public function register()
   mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());
   mysql_select_db("password") or die (mysql_error());

   mysql_query("INSERT INTO users(username,password) VALUES ('{$this->username}','{$this->passmd5}')");

   if(mysql_affected_rows()< 1)
     $this->errors[] = 'Could Not Process Form';

  public function user_exists()
  mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db("password") or die (mysql_error());
  $data = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM users WHERE username = '{$this->username}'");

  return mysql_num_rows($data)? 1 : 0;

  public function show_errors()
    echo "<h3>Errors</h3>";

    foreach($this->errors as $key=>$value)
      echo $value."<br>";

  public function valid_data()
      $this->errors[] = 'Username Already Taken';
      $this->errors[] = 'Invalid Username';
      $this->errors[] = 'Invalid Password';
	if(($this->$password !== $this->$confirm_password))
      $this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';
	if(($this->$username == $this->$password))
      $this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';
    if(empty($this->email) || !eregi('^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$',$this->email))
      $this->errors[] = 'Invalid Email';
  return count($this->errors)? 0 : 1;

  public function valid_token()
   if(!isset($_SESSION['token']) || $this->token != $_SESSION['token'])
     $this->errors[] = 'Invalid Submission';

   return count($this->errors)? 0 : 1;



if(($this->$password !== $this->$confirm_password))
$this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';

if(($this->$username == $this->$password))
$this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';


if(($this->password !== $this->confirm_password))
$this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';

if(($this->username == $this->password))
$this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';


if(($this->$password !== $this->$confirm_password))
$this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';

if(($this->$username == $this->$password))
$this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';


if(($this->password !== $this->confirm_password))
$this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';

if(($this->username == $this->password))
$this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';

Whoops lol, I could have sworn I had that fixed earlier, but I get this error no matter if the variable was properly defined or not.

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /public_html/me-class.register.php on line 77

Whoops lol, I could have sworn I had that fixed earlier, but I get this error no matter if the variable was properly defined or not.

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /public_html/me-class.register.php on line 77

post the line of code thats giving you the error

post the line of code thats giving you the error

77. if(($this->$password !== $this->confirm_password))
78. $this->errors[] = 'Passwords Must Match';

79. if(($this->$username == $this->password))
80. $this->errors[] = 'Password Cannot Be Your Username';

you only half way applied the last fix i gave you

when using class variables the syntax is $this->varName without the second '$'
you only changed it on one side of your comparisons

you only half way applied the last fix i gave you

when using class variables the syntax is $this->varName without the second '$'
you only changed it on one side of your comparisons

Arrgh.. lol thank you very much. That fixed it!

Thanks again!

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