hello i want to do autocomplete with jquery and ajax from database without using webservices. i want to do with ajaxhandlers not using webservices. how can possible.? Tell me as soon as possible thanks in advance...

my final year project is web discussion forum i want to post topic in forum then tag textbox there. user enter tag keyword then system suggest the relevent tag list below then user select the relevent tag that's why i use autocomplete...

You will want to look into installing and using the AJAX control kit for your version of Visual Studio (I think the 2010 version differs from 2008 but I could be wrong). Then it is just a matter of setting up the control kit on the page and specifying which functions of your server side code will be supplied via AJAX.
Its pretty simple to set up and use. Auto complete examples using the control kit as all over the net too.

thanks alot

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