I have tested out my procedure on my home machine. It woks pretty well

I know there is output from the sql.

Now I want to try it out on the host. It gives no output.
Here is my php code

    $bob="call seeker($profound)";

    if (mysqli_multi_query($conn,$bob))
       echo "<hr>";
       echo "<table><th>Section</th><th>Author</th><th>Title</th>";
            if ($mysqli=more_results($conn))

    <td><a href ="card.php?id=$ego">$volume</a></td>
    echo $catinfo;
                 }//if result
     //            }//do whle

           while ($row=$result->fetch_row);

            }   //if statement  if query
            {echo "whiskey tango foxtrot";}

I would appreciate any assistance I can get here.

Are you sure you copied everything to your database ?

Is there a reason you use multi query for a single stored procedure call ?

Is there a reason you use multi query for a single stored procedure call ?

A single stored procedure could return multiple result

@baruchM Have you test your hosted stored procedure in MySQL client application like PhpMyAdmin, Adminer, Mysql Workbench, or other?

A single stored procedure could return multiple result

That's not what that function is for.

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