Hi all,

I'm having difficulty with a function I've written. What it does, is creates a standardised list of Options Value's in a Selector for HTML. The value of the MySQL query is then used as the value, but for some reason, I'm getting an error in the code. If you could take a look and try to make sense of it; that would be extremely awesome. The error seems to be that $optionVal appears to already have a value - as though it's the last result pulled from the database. The ORIGINAL function (see below) works perfectly on the production server and so it's strange how what I see as adding in a locale check and moving the array over by one position - it messes up. :(

Code as follows;


// Function to write <SELECT> option lines for given query
function frmConfigurationDroplist($dbName,$tabName,$selectionValue,$prompt=TRUE) {
    $UC = $GLOBALS['userclient'];
// Open the correct database
//Open prod_has and get the locale ID from conf_settings.
    $loc_sql = "SELECT locale_id FROM conf_settings WHERE client = '".$UC."'";
    $loc_que = mysql_query($loc_sql);
    $loc_res = mysql_fetch_row($loc_que);
    $locale_id = $loc_res[0];

//Move on to the drop list - select appropriate database as passed in by $dbName in function.
    $dbLink = dbOpenDatabase($dbName);

// Build query statement
    if ($tabName == "conf_injclass" && $UC == "022") {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $tabName ORDER BY alternative_order ASC";
    } else {
    $query = "SELECT * from $tabName";
//if the table being accessed is listed below, concatenate the locale ID claus on the end.
    if ($tabName == 'conf_inctype' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_inc_injury_sustained' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_inc_main_factor' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_inc_sub_activity' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_inc_work_process' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_injclass' ||
    $tabName == 'conf_injeffect') {
        $query .= " WHERE locale_id = '$locale_id'";
//Now order the results, whether locale ID is there or not.
    $query .= " ORDER BY 1";

// Retrieve all configuration values from table
    $conflist = mysql_query($query);
    if (!($conflist)) {
// No values retrieved from table
        print("<option value=\"999\">No Values: $query</option>\n");
    } else {
// Write initial selection value - prompt to choose value
        if ($prompt) {
            print("<option value=\"\">Make a selection...</option>\n");
        $selectionArray = array();
        if (is_array($selectionValue)) {
            foreach($selectionValue as $currval) {
                echo $currval."\n";
                $selectionArray[] = explode(":",$currval);
        } elseif (isset($selectionValue)) {
            $selectionArray[] = explode(":",$selectionValue);
// Write values retrieved as <OPTION> statements within a <SELECT>
        while ($listarray = mysql_fetch_row($conflist)) {
// Print option value
            $optionVal = implode($listarray, ":");
            $selected = false;
            if (count($selectionArray) > 0) {
                foreach($selectionArray as $currarray) {
                    if ($listarray[0] == $currarray[0]) {
                        $selected = true;

            if ($selected) {
                print("<option value=\"$optionVal\" selected>$listarray[2]</option>\n");
            } else {
// if check for retired items, and doesnt display the option UNLESS it is already selected, so that previous documents will still work correctly!!
                if($listarray[4] !='1') {   
                print("<option value=\"$optionVal\">$listarray[2]</option>\n");
// printing stuff in options so I can determine errors. 
    print("<option value=\"999\"> </option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\"> </option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\">QUERY IS: $query</option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\">LOC ID IS: $locale_id</option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\">OPTION VAL IS: $optionVal</option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\">SELECTION ARRAY IS: $selectionArray</option>\n");
    print("<option value=\"999\">SELECTION VALUE IS: $selectionValue</option>\n");
} //End function


<td class="formName" nowrap align="right">Main Factor Involved</td>
    <select name="frm_mainfactor" class='formField'> 
            if (!($frm_mainfactor == '')) {
            } elseif (!($GLOBALS['per_mainfactor'][$frm_personnelcount] == '')) {
            } else {


// Stage 2a
session_register('per_mainfactor'); //Added "per_" @ JUNE 15 - 9:50am to run inline with rest of system.

The frmConfigurationDroplist() function is used throughout our software to compile a list of Selection Options. I have added in Locale ID stuff, and expanded on it somewhat. The original can be found below; (I will post results and some screenshots too.)

Please note, that each of the tables that USED to have 2 columns (an ID and Description) in the tables in the first code snippet above (the ones in an IF for the locale id) are now 5 columns, and each one has moved over once. Therefore what used to be listarray position 0 is now listarray position 1.

Original function in dbfunction.inc.php

// Function to write <SELECT> option lines for given query
// Assumes 2-field table : key, description
function frmConfigurationDroplist($dbName,$tabName,$selectionValue,$prompt=TRUE)
// Open the correct database
    $dbLink = dbOpenDatabase($dbName);
// Build query statement
    if ($tabName == "conf_injclass" && $uc == "022") {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $tabName ORDER BY geopost_order ASC";
    } else {
    $query = "SELECT * from $tabName ORDER BY 1";
// Retrieve all configuration values from table
    $conflist = mysql_query($query);
    if (!($conflist))
// No values retrieved from table
//      print("<option value=\"999\">No values - table '$tabName'.</option>\n");
        print("<option value=\"999\">$query</option>\n");
    } else {
// Write initial selection value - prompt to choose value
        if ($prompt)
            print("<option value=\"\">Make a selection...</option>\n");
        $selectionArray = array();
        if (is_array($selectionValue))
            foreach($selectionValue as $currval)
                echo $currval."\n";
                $selectionArray[] = explode(":",$currval);
        } elseif (isset($selectionValue))
            $selectionArray[] = explode(":",$selectionValue);
// Write values retrieved as <OPTION> statements within a <SELECT>
        while ($listarray = mysql_fetch_row($conflist))
// Print option value
            $optionVal = implode($listarray, ":");
            $selected = false;
            if (count($selectionArray) > 0)
                foreach($selectionArray as $currarray)
                    if ($listarray[0] == $currarray[0])
                        $selected = true;

            if ($selected)
                print("<option value=\"$optionVal\" selected>$listarray[1]</option>\n");
            } else {
// if check for retired items, and doesnt display the option UNLESS it is already selected, so that previous documents will still work correctly!!
        if($listarray[3] !='1') {   
                print("<option value=\"$optionVal\">$listarray[1]</option>\n");

I apologise for the messy state above in the last snippet, that's how I found it. :P

Here's what they look like;

Screen_Shot_2012-06-15_at_14.26_.10_ http://i48.tinypic.com/2myrwv8.png

I meant to add the database table so you can see what it looks like on the production server and on the development server.





If you need any further information on this, please feel free to let me know, I will try to be as descriptive as possible. Thanks for any help!

I think the problem is that if this condition succeed:

if ($tabName == "conf_injclass" && $UC == "022") {

you obtain a query like this:

SELECT * FROM $tabName ORDER BY alternative_order ASC WHERE locale_id = '$locale_id' ORDER BY 1

which is not correct.

Aye, that's only if the $tabName variable is equal to the table name "conf_injclass" though.

So on the field in the screenshot (Main Factor Involved) - you see in the drop down that the table being access is correct and the data collected is correct. But for some reason; the $optionVal variable is setting itself before it should be set - to "Other" - see last few options on the Drop Down Selectbox. After the gap, they're printed variables.

$listarray should be imploded from $conflist - the actual query. $optionVal is a comparison operator, 2 arrays within in an array - if they are equal to each other, then the array is used as a selection.

But that's not working properly :/

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