My concept is to load contents of a div on other div in html. In short I want to learn how the new Facebook inbox works, when we click on a message on the right, the contents and fetched from the database and loaded in the center column. I know its done by some AJAX may be but unable to figure out how it is possible.

Thanks in advance.

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My concept is to load contents of a div on other div in html. In short I want to learn how the new Facebook inbox works, when we click on a message on the right, the contents and fetched from the database and loaded in the center column. I know its done by some AJAX may be but unable to figure out how it is possible.

Have you try to google and do some research of this? I can tell you it's gonna be hard to anyone to help you with this without any code. Are you familiar with creating a Database or understand PHP and MYSQL and AJAX? If you are not familiar with it then my advice is you need to touch up with those subjects before you can create that Facebook box?

I think it's best to post this in the JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX section. If you do have a code in PHP then you can post it here and we can try help but if you don't have a code in PHP then my advice is to post this question in JavaScript / DHTML / AJAX section. So someone can help you there.

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