Expressing worm hello to everyone !! i have got one problem hope u guys will help me ,,

working on a chat room with php + flash , chat room is working fine all i need is , if i need to do IM ?????????:eek: i heard tha ajax can do this one but i dont know how and what is ajax !!

looking forward to hearing from u !!


or else if smone can help with IP address through !!

AJAX is an abbreviation for Asynchronos Javascript And XML. Put simply, it allows the clients browser to converse with the server without the need for a page refresh.

There are many sample scripts and tutorials for thousands of AJAX implementations. Have a search on Google and see what you come up with.

If you are using Flash then you can use Flash to build a chat app. I think you need to look into Flex, but don't use Flash so may be wrong.

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