I have a jquery code below which I am using to try to get a html form that is displaied in a lightbox on a webpage to post to a php page my issue seems to be that when I click the "save" button it is not executing the jquery code below Can someone let me know if they see any errors in my below code


 $("#b_popup_4").dialog({autoOpen: false, 
                            modal: true,
                            width: 400,
                            buttons: {                            
                                "Save": function() {
                                    $.post('../includes/additem.inc.php', $('#additemform').serialize());
                                    //$( this ).dialog( "close" );
                                Cancel: function() {
                                    $( this ).dialog( "close" );

Heres one i got:


Looks like yours is missing the "what to do when got page" function

buttons: {                            
    "Save": function() {
        $.post('../includes/additem.inc.php', $('#additemform').serialize(), 
    Cancel: function() {
        $( this ).dialog( "close" );
commented: Nice Answer! +9

thank you

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