I want to display pdf file in browser.
odo1.php has the file to select the date.
read.php will read the date from odo1.php.
i have this files 2013-03-26_SAP.pdf, 2013-03-05_SAP and more to come.
the name of this file is combination of date and outlet.
when i change the readfile($filename); to 2013-03-05_SAP.pdf it work well.
pls help.


<form id="contact-form" action="read.php" onsubmit="return validate()" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        Order Date: <input type="date" name="orderdate">


                      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="View Delivery Order" />



include_once 'admin-class.php';
$admin = new itg_admin();

mysql_select_db("mdb_lh026", $con);
$outlet=("SELECT outlet  
FROM pstaff  
WHERE  staff_id='$id'




Variables are NOT PARSED within single quotes. Try this:


Apart from that, you never execute the query on line 9. You should use mysql_query and mysql_fetch_array to get the data you need.

cannot..fail to load pdf document

Show your new code.

include_once 'admin-class.php';
$admin = new itg_admin();

mysql_select_db("mdb_lh026", $con);
$outlet=("SELECT outlet  
FROM pstaff  
WHERE  staff_id='$id'



You haven't executed the query, as I suggested in my previous post.

it this what u mean?

include_once 'admin-class.php';
$admin = new itg_admin();

mysql_select_db("mdb_lh026", $con);
$outlet=("SELECT outlet  
FROM pstaff  
WHERE  staff_id='$id'
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($outlet1))
                echo $row['odate'];
                echo $row['outlet'];




Basically yes, although I don't think that does what you want yet.

yea..its not displaying the pdf file

try adding header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=file.pdf");

not working too..

header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=file.pdf");

It's because $outlet does not have a value.

how do i call the value?

$qoutlet=("SELECT outlet  
FROM pstaff  
WHERE  staff_id='$id'
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($outlet1))

                echo $row['outlet'];


header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=file.pdf");

header("Content-disposition: inline; filename=the_name_of_file.pdf");
not the exact text. add the file name..

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