Hi all, so the main problem i have is this, i hidded my menu from the non logged people, when a pesons logs in the menu must show, but it isnt happen, i know the code work becaus i tested it and the menu apears but when in the login the menu doesnt appear.

best regards

its going to be difficult to help you without any relevant sample code, link to the site, etc..

When you say "hidden", how are you hiding this...within a <asp:panel .../> control? Or are you hiding the menu client side with CSS/JavaScript/jQuery?

i know the code work becaus i tested it and the menu apears but when in the login the menu doesnt appear.

What do you mean by this? You say it works, but it doesnt show? I dont understand.

i resolve it already, i teste de code in page load and worked so i had to put the test functio in pageload.

Ok glad you resolved it and provided feedback as to it being solved.

so the problem was because i inserted the code autside page loaf every time i did that the page reverted to the origial configuration. The obejct.visible = false would turn to true but turned back to false quicly and nothin happened

It's good that your problem is solved, but make sure to provide the sample code if any issue occurs again.

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