Once, I've stoped Apache in XAMPP by using XAMPP Control Panel.
Then, I've tried to start Apache. But it isn't starting.
I've already closed Skype, TeamWeaver.
Help me guys. I've to take so many backups in phpmyadmin :(

Is there an error? Am not too familiar with XAMPP but it should have an error log.

try to start apache server from windows services if then also it generates error the port is blocked by some other application

The errors you are looking for can be found in the Error Reporting, Right click on My Computer -> Manage -> Event viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application

Please close this Article if you solved your problem.

The errors you are looking for can be found in the Error Reporting, Right click on My Computer -> Manage -> Event viewer -> Windows Logs -> Application

I've checked. But there is nothing about XAMPP

I've checked. But there is nothing about XAMPP

That is normal because your Apache or MySQL server have a problema, there is something corrupt with one of them, maybe a failed extension or setting.

I've uninstalled & re-installed XAMPP. Now it is working..
Thanks all


1. Open xampp directory
2. Locate crash.txt sometimes you will have a lot of these files.
3. Read the latest

force stop and restart

force stop: in the xampp directory find the xampp_stop.exe this is the one with the icon. Click on the icon...wait for the command prompt to disappear.

force start: If the above procedure has been sucessful, click on the xampp_start.exe. Again this is the one with the icon. Wait for the command prompt to appear. Minimize the command prompt and do not close.

If using the force start, you are bypassing the xampp control panel. Some versions of xampp are known to have bugs in it, but not 100% can be blame to xampp.

In newer versions of windows, you may want to run the xampp as administrator or whatever is equivalent to root in windows..

Sometimes, when windows security prompt appeared asking you for the permission if apache2 and mysql are allowed to run, you probably missed it.

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