Hey guys,

here is the table structure:

Table name: globalsettings
column names: setting, value, description

An example query could be this:

$query = "SELECT * FROM globalsettings WHERE setting = 'name'";

Okay, so here is what I am trying to do (I am using PDO for DB activity, but just starting to learn PDO).

I have a class that will set sitewide global settings. What I am trying to do is set each propery in the class to the corresponding DB value. For example:

$config = new globalSettings;
echo $config->sitename;

When I echo $config->sitename, it should print out the website name that is stored in the DB.

Now, I do know how to do this, but the problem I have is that I only know how to do this by adding WHERE clause to the query -- "SELECT * FROM globalsettings WHERE setting = 'setting'";

which I want to avoid, because I have about 80 rows right now, and I dont want to make 80 different queries just to set each property.

My current code (stored in the class) looks like this:

`$sql = "SELECT * FROM globalsettings";
        $q = $db->prepare($sql);

        foreach($q as $row)
            $this->baseurl = $row['BASEURL'];
            $this->subdir = $row['SUB_DIR'];
            $this->cur_ver = $row['value'];

but this doesn't look right.

How would I build a query so that it fetches all of the rows and data, and set the properties for me, all in one query?

As always, thank you so much!

In the query you issue there, you will get a "setting" and "value" pair for each row. So what you should be doing, to set the object attribute with the setting name to the value, would be this:

foreach ($q as $row) {
    $this->{$row["setting"]} = $row["value"];

It may be a wiser choice to use the magic __get method instead, and use a attribute array internally.

$this->attributes = $db->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

And then

public function __get($name) {
    foreach ($this->attributes as $row) {
        if ($row["setting"] == $name) {
            return $row["value"];
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Attribute {$name} doesn't exist.");

Basically, you can store all the rows in a single array variable and use the magic method __get to get the individual values. Have a look here.

Those are both great suggestions.

Now, the only thing is, and hopefully I articulate myself well, what I need to be able to do is maintain the ability to use each property as needed, rather than get all the properties and list their values all at once.

-- Edit --

Nevermind, I reread your code, atli, and I see what you did there. That's pretty ingenious. Thanks to both you guys, I am going to play with both ideas and see which one fits into the site better. As usual, you guys rock!

Thanks to both you guys, I am going to play with both ideas

While I was typing the idea, Atli already gave you the code for that (second snippet). The ideas are identical ;)

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