Hello There,

I have a website where i have a small block to show new arrivals in products. The Products are marked in Database as they are New: Yes / No.
I am fetching these products in a datalist on my client side page. The display area is for two images. Now if there are more products marked as New:Yes, then the images on the client side should slide up to show all the images marked as New from the Database.

ANyone can help me with this.

Thank you.

I have a javascript for the scrolling the images. I dont know how to use it with ASP.net datalist.

Can anyone help me with that.

Your javascript won't really interact with your datalist control. Keep in mind that asp.net code is converted to HTML and sent to the browser. So take a look at the HTML that's generated by using the browser's "view source". If you know at least a little bit of JavaScript, that should get you going.

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