Hi everyone. My name is Edd from Malaysia. I am a CF newbie. Cut to the chase. I have 2 weeks to complete my project which is a web application that students can log on and view/edit their personal details and check their grades. Teachers (who are also administrators) can also log in and change the students details and key-in their students grades for the subject they are teaching. My questions are :

1 - What function should I use to calculate the grades. For example if a teacher key-in 80 the grade should be A, 50 should be C and so on. I tried using the CFIF statement but failed. Any coding example?

2 - What should I do if I want the teachers to change the range of the grades for their subject. For example if an English teacher wanted to change the range 80-100 for grade A to 70-100 for his English subject and not affecting other teachers subjects.

3 - How do I generate a printable report, sort of like a result certificate? Any ideas for any other report I should be generating?

... really appreciate it if any CF masters here could help. Thank You in advance. Peace

:) eddvedder

anybody? nobody? help please..

your problem description is actually very vague.
it would be great if you could be a bit more clear...

as far as i understand ur problem...
if u want to display grade based on the marks....<CFIF would have definetely helped....
look at the following sample
<CFIF marks GT 80>
<TD>Grade A</TD>
<CFELSEIF marks GT 50 AND marks LT 80>
<TD>Grade B</TD>

hope this helps.......

1 - What function should I use to calculate the grades. For example if a teacher key-in 80 the grade should be A, 50 should be C and so on. I tried using the CFIF statement but failed. Any coding example?...

:) eddvedder

There is no reason why a set of cfif statement couldn't work for the grade portion.

for example

<cfif grade gte 90>A
<cfelseif grade gte 80>B
<cfelseif grade gte 70>C
<cfelseif grade gte 60>D
<cfelseif len(grade) gt 0>F <!--- no grade given a student will get an incomplete --->

You might supply a sample of you code to get a better result.


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