How to use the function within the class??

class UserRegister{

public $password = '';

public function escape($val)
return mysql_real_escape_string($val);

public function setPassword($val)
$this->password = $val;
$val = escape($this->password);
$this->password = $val;

public function getPassword()
echo $this->password;   


$obj = new UserRegister;
echo $obj->setPassword("dsadsadasdas'das");
echo $obj->getPassword();

But it prompt call to undefined function escape(). How can I apply escape() which is return mysql_real_escape_string() to setPassword? I want to let mysql_real_escape_string filter it before it set to $password.

echo $obj->setPassword("dsadsadasdas'das"); this is wrong. Yo don't return anything, so don't output this. You're setting, not getting. What seems to be the error?

Thank you phorce. I got the solution now. I just change from this

public function setPassword($val)
$this->password = $val;
$val = escape($this->password);
$this->password = $val;


public function setPassword($val)
$this->password = $this->escape($val);

and it's work! .. My output is dsadsadasdas\'das now..

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