
i am new in the development field i want a little guide line about the WYSIWYG editor i have website and i want to integrate a wix html 5 type http://www.wix.com/ editor in it i try to edit the tinymce editor but i does not found it flexible as much like the wix editor is can any body guide me how i can develop that kind of editor.

many thanks in advance

wysiwyg editor is good but i think you should code for yourself.

there is a software WYSIWYG Web builder by pablo software, try them.
what do you mean by integrate!!

Alot of people like notepad++ but i love komodo edit, it's a very powerful editor, you can view your code in a komodo window as you go but can also configure it with a browser to display you results insanteneously.

code by hand using notepad++

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WIX requires registration to check it out, but I'm not prepared to do that. You want to integrate a TinyMCE editor into your WIX-created site?

Or do you want to create your own editor? If so, then that's quite a bit of work and will probably involve javascript more than php.

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