Hi I've a website and it shows a strange urls on the search engine and it sometimes crawls or wont show in the search engines what to do should we keep a robots.txt file. and How to take away the strange url we see in all search engines as www.website.com/?C=S;O=A

This is shit and it is worrying and although searhed the web for a solutions couldn't found someone please help to take out this extension of ?C=S;O=A since my sourcecode is 100% clean & simple without any errors. Kindly assist in solving this issue since I want the website to be crawled openly like any other website with its sublinks as weel seen Ex. Type Daniweb and see it shows the website url clearly as wwww.daniweb.com and then all subpages links that a user can directly click and go. Help......

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If you provide your url, perhaps we can have a look.

This is created by the Apache Auto-Index module:

You can disable it by using Options -Indexes, or by placing an index.html (or index.php) into each directory. In alternative, if you need to create directory indexes, you should be able to stop the column sorting by using:

Options +Indexes
IndexOptions SuppressColumnSorting IgnoreClient

If you still have issues show your .htaccess file or the configuration of the virtual host.

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