i would like to know which is better to program with asp.net or mvc? what are the differences between the two?

in my personal opionion i like mvc better as everything is mostly auto-generated making it user friendly

ASP.NET as it is is a multi-purpose web development framework

what are the differences between the two?

ASP.NET is a programming language, MVC is a software pattern (language independent).

MVC = model-view-controller is a design pattern.
ASP.NET is how say @Moran_1.

Asp.net is a programing language and mvc Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software pattern for implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts.

@gauravrana, what are those three interconnected parts? Would you also please differentiate between a software pattern and a programming language in detail... feel free to send links I can browse through to get a better understanding of the

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I like MVC better than dot net.

.net was created early in the century to make it possible for people with traditional programming skills create websites and web applications without needing to learn new languages, scripting and user interface design. This was in response to a massive demand for web development professionals.

In contrast, PHP, perl and classic asp are scripted languages which are used by web developers who understand javascript and the browser UI.

The rule of thumb for making decisions here is that MVC requires a competent understanding of Javascript and AJAX. It is a better platform to work from in terms of server and network load than .net, and makes it easier to keep the data, business and presentation layers cleanly separate.

If your Javascript, JQuery and AJAX knowledge is minimal, you should probably strengthen it. Failing that, you can opt for .net development to avoid most of the client-side stuff. I would not recommend it because it is entirely possible that MS will decide to deprecate 'forms'.

MVC5 and Visual studio 2013 now ships with a startup project that you can checkbox both mvc and .net support so you can mix and match.


MVC requires a competent understanding of Javascript and AJAX.

Excuse me? MVC is language independent.

Of course it is. Ruby, php, perl - even classic asp. But by comparison to ASP.NET IDE development, Mvc requires the coder to have a better knowledge of browser resident languages, - html, css and javascript primarily.

But by comparison to ASP.NET IDE development, Mvc requires the coder to have a better knowledge of browser resident languages, - html, css and javascript primarily.

I'll have to disagree on that one. Any non-trivial site written in ASP.NET (using MVC or not) will likely use HTML, CSS, and Javascript extensively. Those three are the bare minimum for general web development.

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