<div class="message-container" id="message-composer">
    <div class="message-form-content">
        <div class="message-form-header">
            <div class="message-form-user"><img src="{$url}/thumb.php?src={$avatar}&t=a" /></div>
            <div class="message-form-private"></div>
            <div class="message-loader" id="post-loader9999999999" style="visibility: hidden"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/preloader.gif" /></div>

        <div class="message-form-inner">
        <form id="imageForm" name="form" action="{$url}/requests/post_message.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
            <textarea id="post9999999999" class="message-form" placeholder="{$lng->message_form}" name="message"></textarea>

        <input type="hidden" name="privacy" id="message-privacy" value="{$private_message}" />

        <div class="selected-files"><span id="queued-files">0</span> {$lng->files_selected}</div>
        <div class="message-form-input"><input type="text" name="value" id="form-value" /></div>
        <div id="values">
            <div class="button-image">
                <input name="my_image[]" id="my_file" size="27" type="file" class="inputImage" title="{$lng->label_image}" multiple="multiple" />
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="video" id="video" /><label for="video" title="{$lng->label_video}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/video.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="map" id="map" /><label for="map" title="{$lng->label_map}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/map.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="visited" id="visited" /><label for="visited" title="{$lng->label_visited}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/visited.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="movie" id="movie" /><label for="movie" title="{$lng->label_movie}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/movie.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="music" id="music" /><label for="music" title="{$lng->label_music}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/music.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="game" id="game" /><label for="game" title="{$lng->label_game}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/game.png" /></label>
            <input type="radio" name="type" value="food" id="food" /><label for="food" title="{$lng->label_food}"><img src="{$url}/{$theme_url}/images/icons/events/food.png" /></label>

        <div type="button" name="action" class="message-btn" value="Post" id="9999999999"><a onclick="startUpload()">{$lng->post}</a></div>

    <iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" style="display: none"></iframe></form>

<div id="load-content"></div>

I need help in modifying a social network script. I want to change it so that users must fill in at least one of the radio buttons; at present they can fill in a message and post it without selecting one of the radio icons. I want to make it a requirement for one radio icon to be selected. Any help greatly appreciated.

Can you post the Javascript code for the startUpload() function?

Thanks for the reply!
Here is the entire js

function autosize() {
    // auto adjust the height of
    $('body').on('keyup', 'textarea', function (){
    // $('body').find('textarea.comment-reply-textarea').keyup();
function showButton(id) {
function loadChat(uid, username, block, cid, start) {
    if(!cid) {
    } else {
        $('.load-more-chat').html('<div class="preloader-retina preloader-center"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_chat.php",
        data: "uid="+uid+"&cid="+cid+"&start="+start, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            // Remove the loader animation
            if(!cid) {
                $('#chat').attr('class', 'chat-user'+uid);
            } else {
            if(username) {

            if(block) {
                doBlock(uid, 0);

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin
function loadComments(id, cid, start) {
    $('#more_comments_'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina preloader-center"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_comments.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&start="+start+"&cid="+cid, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            // Remove the loader animation

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin
function loadTimeline(start, filter) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

    if(filter == '') {
        q = '';
    } else {
        q = '&filter='+filter;

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_timeline.php",
        data: "start="+start+q, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadFeed(start, filter) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

    if(filter == '') {
        q = '';
    } else {
        q = '&filter='+filter;

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_feed.php",
        data: "start="+start+q, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadPeople(start, value, filter) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

    if(filter == '') {
        q = '';
    } else {
        q = '&filter='+filter;

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_people.php",
        data: "start="+start+'&q='+encodeURIComponent(value)+q, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadProfile(start, filter, profile) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

    if(filter == '') {
        q = '';
    } else {
        q = '&filter='+filter;

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_profile.php",
        data: "profile="+profile+"&start="+start+q, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadHashtags(start, value) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_tags.php",
        data: "start="+start+'&q='+value, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadLikes(start, id, profile) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_likes.php",
        data: "start="+start+'&profile='+profile, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Reload the timeago plugin

function loadSubs(start, type, profile) {
    $('#more_messages').html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/load_subs.php",
        data: "id="+profile+"&start="+start+"&type="+type, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id
function postComment(id) {
    var comment = $('#comment-form'+id).val();

    $('#post_comment_'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div>');

    // Remove the post button

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/post_comment.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&comment="+encodeURIComponent(comment), 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            // Remove the loader animation

            // Append the new comment to the div id

            // Fade In the style="display: none" class

            // Reload the timeago plugin

            // Empty the text area
function share(id) {


    $('.share-btn').attr('onclick', 'doShare('+id+', 1)');
    $('.share-cancel').attr('onclick', 'doShare(0, 0)');
function doShare(id, type) {
    if(type) {
        $('.share-desc').html('<div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div>');

            type: "POST",
            url: "requests/share.php",
            data: "id="+id, 
            cache: false,
            success: function(html) {
    } else {
function delete_the(id, type) {
    // id = unique id of the message/comment/chat
    // type = type of post: message/comment/chat
    if(type == 0) {
        $('#del_comment_'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina"></div>');
    } else if(type == 1) {
        $('#del_message_'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div>');
    } else if(type == 2) {
        $('#del_chat_'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina"></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/delete.php",
        data: "message="+id+"&type="+type, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            if(html == '1') {
                if(type == 0) {
                    $('#comment'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#comment'+id).remove(); });
                } else if(type == 1) {
                    $('#message'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#message'+id).remove(); });
                } else if(type == 2) {
                    $('#chat'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#chat'+id).remove(); });
            } else {
                if(type == 0) {
                    $('#comment'+id).html($('#del_comment_'+id).html('Sorry, the comment could not be removed, please refresh the page and try again.'));
                } else if(type == 1) {
                    $('#message'+id).html($('#del_message_'+id).html('<div class="message-content"><div class="message-inner">Sorry, the message could not be removed, please refresh the page and try again.</div></div>'));
                } else if(type == 2) {
                    $('#chat'+id).html($('#del_chat_'+id).html('Sorry, the chat message could not be removed, please refresh the page and try again.'));
function report_the(id, type) {
    // id = unique id of the message/comment
    // type = type of post: message/comment

    if(type == 0) {
        $('#comment'+id).html('<div class="message-reported"><div class="preloader-retina"></div></div>');
    } if(type == 1) {
        $('#message'+id).html('<div class="message-reported"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/report.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&type="+type, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            if(type == 0) {
                $('#comment'+id).html('<div class="message-reported">'+html+'</div>');
            } if(type == 1) {
                $('#message'+id).html('<div class="message-content"><div class="message-inner">'+html+'</div></div>');
function subscribe(id, type, z) {
    // id = unique id of the viewed profile
    // type = if is set, is an insert/delete type
    // z if on, activate the sublist class which sets another margin (friends dedicated profile page)

    if(z == 1) {
        $('#subscribe'+id).html('<div class="sub-loading subslist"></div>');
    } else {
        $('#subscribe'+id).html('<div class="sub-loading"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/subscribe.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&type="+type+"&z="+z, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
function deleteNotification(type, id) {
    if(type == 0) {
        $('#notification'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#notification'+id).remove(); });
    } else if(type == 1) {
        $('#post_comment_'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#post_comment_'+id).remove(); });
function privacy(id, value) {
    // id = unique id of the message/comment
    // value = value to set on the post
    $('#privacy'+id).html('<div class="privacy_loader"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/privacy.php",
        data: "message="+id+"&value="+value, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            if(html == 1) {
                if(value == 1) {
                    var newVal = 0;
                    var newClass = 'public';
                } else if(value == 0) {
                    var newVal = 1;
                    var newClass = 'private';
            $('#privacy'+id).html('<a onclick="privacy('+id+', '+newVal+')" title="This post is '+newClass+'"><div class="'+newClass+'_btn"></div></a>');
function manage_the(start, type) {
    if(type == 1) {
        type = 'reports';
    } else {
        type = 'users';
    $('#more_'+type).html('<div class="load_more"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/manage_"+type+".php",
        data: "start="+start, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {

            // Append the new comment to the div id
function delete_user(id) {
    // id = unique id of the message/comment
    // type = type of post: message/comment

    $('#user'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina"></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/delete_user.php",
        data: "id="+id, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            if(html == '1') {
                $('#user'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#message'+id).remove(); });
            } else {
                $('#user'+id).html('Sorry, but this user could not be deleted.');
function manage_report(id, type, post, kind) {
    $('#report'+id).html('<div class="preloader-retina"></div>');

        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/manage_reports.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&type="+type+"&post="+post+"&kind="+kind, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
            if(html == '1') {
                $('#report'+id).fadeOut(500, function() { $('#message'+id).remove(); });
            } else {
                $('#report'+id).html('Sorry, but something went wrong, please refresh the page and try again.');
function doLike(id, type) {
    // id = unique id of the message
    // type = 1 do the like, 2 do the dislike
    $('#like_btn'+id).html('<div class="privacy_loader"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/like.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&type="+type, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
function doBlock(id, type) {
    // id = unique id of the message
    // type 0: do nothing, just display the block, type 1: do/undo block
    $('.blocked-button').html('<div class="privacy_loader"></div>');
        type: "POST",
        url: "requests/block.php",
        data: "id="+id+"&type="+type, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(html) {
function showNotification(x, y) {
    // Y1: Show the global notifications
    // Y2: Show the messages notifications
    if(x == 'close') {
    } else {
        // Stop checking for new notifications while reading them

        if(y == 1) {

            // Remove the other hovered class if exist

            // Show-Hide the top urls for global and chat messages drop-downs
        } else {

            // Remove the other hovered class if exist

            // Show-Hide the top urls for global and chat messages drop-downs

            var extra = '&for=1';
        $('#notifications-content').html('<div class="message-divider"></div><div class="notification-inner"><div class="preloader-normal"></div></div>');

            type: "POST",
            url: "requests/check_notifications.php",
            data: "type=1"+extra,
            cache: false,
            success: function(html) {
                if(html) {
                if(extra) {
                    $('#messages_url').attr('href', getMessagesImageUrl());
function startUpload() {
    document.getElementById("imageForm").target = "my_iframe"; //'my_iframe' is the name of the iframe
    document.getElementById("post-loader9999999999").style.visibility = "visible";
function stopUpload(success){      
    document.getElementById("post-loader9999999999").style.visibility = "hidden";
    document.getElementById("load-content").innerHTML = success + document.getElementById("load-content").innerHTML;
    document.getElementById("post9999999999").style.height = "38px";
    document.getElementById("queued-files").innerHTML = "0";
    // Reset the selected 'type' option
    $('#values label').addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected');
    return true;   
function focus_form(id) {
function resizeGallery() {
    // image-container class
    var maxWidth = 1000;
    var maxHeight = 600;

    $('.image-container').css('max-width', maxWidth);
    $('.image-container').css('max-height', maxHeight);

    var currentWidth = $(window).width();
    var currentHeight = $(window).height();
    var currentMidWidth = Math.abs(currentWidth - maxWidth);
    var currentMidHeight = Math.abs(currentHeight - maxHeight);

    // Calculate the Width
    if(currentMidWidth <= 40 && currentMidWidth >= 0) {
        $('.image-container').css('max-width', currentWidth - 40);
        $('.image-container').css('margin-left', 20);
        $('.image-container').css('margin-right', 20);
    } else if(maxWidth < currentWidth) {
        $('.image-container').css('margin-left', ((currentWidth - maxWidth) / 2));
        $('.image-container').css('margin-right', ((currentWidth - maxWidth) / 2));
    } else {
        $('.image-container').css('max-width', currentWidth - 40);

    // Calculate the Height
    if(currentMidHeight <= 40 && currentMidHeight >= 0) {
        $('.image-container').css('max-height', currentHeight - (62 - 20));
        $('.image-container').css('margin-top', 20);
        $('.image-container').css('margin-bottom', 20);
        $('.image-content').css('height', currentHeight - (40 + 62));
        $('#gallery-next, #gallery-prev').css({'height': ($('.image-content').height()-35), 'top': '35px'});
        // console.log('AAA');
    } else if(maxHeight < currentHeight) {
        $('.image-container').css('margin-top', ((currentHeight - maxHeight) / 2));
        $('.image-container').css('margin-bottom', ((currentHeight - maxHeight) / 2));
        $('.image-content').css('height', maxHeight - 62);
        $('#gallery-next, #gallery-prev').css({'height': ($('.image-content').height()-35), 'top': '35px'});
        // console.log('BBB');
    } else {
        $('.image-container').css('max-height', currentHeight - 40);
        $('.image-content').css('height', currentHeight - (40 + 62));
        $('#gallery-next, #gallery-prev').css({'height': ($('.image-content').height()-35), 'top': '35px'});
        // console.log('CCC');

    // console.log('Image Width:'+$('img.ri').width());
    // console.log('Image Height:'+$('img.ri').height());
    // console.log('Container Width:'+$('div.image-content').width());
    // console.log('Container Height:'+$('div.image-content').height());
    return false;

function manageResults(x) {
    if(x == 0) {
    } else if(x == 1) {
        var q = $("#search").val();
        document.location='index.php?a=search&q='+escape(q.replace(' ','+'));
    } else if(x == 2) {
        var q = $("#search").val();
function liveSearch() {
    var q = $('#search').val();

    // If the query starts with #, do not execute anything
    if(q == '#') {
        return false;

    // Search if the hashtag is typed
    if(q.indexOf('#') === -1) {
        var y = 'q';
        var url = 'people';
        $('#search').keypress(function(x){if(x.keyCode==13){q=$(this).val();if(q!=this.defaultValue){document.location='index.php?a=search&'+y+'='+q.replace(' ','+')}}});
    } else {
        var y = 'tag';
        var url = 'tags';

    // If the text input is 0, remove everything instantly by setting the MS to 1
    if(q == 0) {
        var ms = 0;
    } else {
        $('.search-container').html('<div class="search-content"><div class="search-results"><div class="message-inner"><div class="retrieving-results">Retrieving Results</div> <div class="preloader-retina preloader-left"></div></div></div></div>');
        var ms = 200;

    // Start the delay (to prevent some useless queries)
    setTimeout(function() {
        if(q == $('#search').val()) {
            if(q == 0) {
            } else {
                type: "POST",
                url: "requests/load_"+url+".php",
                data: 'q='+q+'&start=1&live=1', // start is not used in this particular case, only needs to be set
                cache: false,
                success: function(html) {
    }, ms);

function chatLiveSearch() {
    var q = $('#search-list').val();

    // If the text input is 0, remove everything instantly by setting the MS to 1

    $('.search-list-container').html('<div class="search-content"><div class="message-inner"><div class="preloader-retina-large preloader-center"></div></div></div>');
    var ms = 200;

    // Start the delay (to prevent some useless queries)
    setTimeout(function() {
        if(q == $('#search-list').val()) {

                type: "POST",
                url: "requests/load_people.php",
                data: 'q='+q+'&start=1&live=1&list=1', // start is not used in this particular case, only needs to be set
                cache: false,
                success: function(html) {

    }, ms);
function profileCard(id, post, type, delay) {
    // ID: Unique user ID
    // Post: Unique Message/Post ID
    // Type: 0 - Message; 1 - Comment;
    // Delay: 0 - on mouse IN; 1 - on mouse OUT;
    if(delay == 1) {
    } else {
        pcTimer = setInterval(function(){
        if(type == 1) {
            var classType = 'comment';
            // The position to be increased
            var height = 45;
            var left = 0;
        } else {
            var classType = 'message';
            // The position to be increased
            var height = 58;
            var left = 20;

        // Start displaying the profile card with the preloader
        $('#profile-card').html('<div class="profile-card-padding"><div class="preloader-retina preloader-center"></div></div>');

        // Get the position of the parent element
        var position = $("#"+classType+post).position();

        // Store the position into an array
        var pos = {
            top: (position.top + height) + 'px',
            left: (position.left + left) + 'px'

        // Set the position of the profile card
            type: "POST",
            url: "requests/load_profilecard.php",
            data: 'id='+id,
            cache: false,
            success: function(html) {           
            error: function() {
        }, 500);
function notificationTitle(type) {
    // Type 1: Play the New Chat Message notification
    if(!document.hasFocus()) {
        if(type == 1) {
        } else if(type == 2) {

        // If the current document title doesn't have an alert, add one
        if(document.title.indexOf('(!)') == -1) {
            document.title = '(!) ' + document.title;
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('input#chat').bind('keydown', function(e) {
        if(e.keyCode==13) {
            // Store the message into var
            var message = $('input#chat').val();
            var id = $('#chat').attr('class');
            if(message) {
                // Remove chat errors if any

                // Show the progress animation

                // Reset the chat input area            
                document.getElementById("chat").style.height = "25px";

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "requests/post_chat.php",
                    data: 'message='+encodeURIComponent(message)+'&id='+id.replace('chat-user', ''),
                    cache: false,
                    success: function(html) {
                        // Check if in the mean time any message was sent

                        // Append the new chat to the div chat container


                        // Scroll at the bottom of the div (focus new content)

    $("#search").on('keyup', liveSearch);
    $("#search-list").on('keyup', chatLiveSearch);

    $(window).resize(function() {
        $(".notification-box-info").fadeOut("slow");return false;

        $(".notification-box-success").fadeOut("slow");return false;

        $(".notification-box-warning").fadeOut("slow");return false;

        $(".notification-box-error").fadeOut("slow");return false;

        $(".box-transparent").fadeOut("slow");return false;


    $('#gallery-close').click(function() {
        $("#gallery, .overall").fadeOut(300);
        return false;

    $('#values input:radio').addClass('input_hidden');
    $('#values label').click(function() {
        $('#form-value').attr("Placeholder", $(this).attr('title'));

    $('#my_file').click(function() {
        $('#values label').removeClass('selected');

    $(':file').change(function () {

    // Disable the enter key on messages
    $('#imageForm').submit(function() {
        return false;


    if($('#message-privacy').val() == 1) {
        $('.message-form-private').html('<div class="message-private-btn" id="privacy-btn"></div>');
        $('#privacy-btn').attr('title', 'Public message');
    } else {
        $('.message-form-private').html('<div class="message-private-btn message-private-active" id="privacy-btn"></div>');
        $('#privacy-btn').attr('title', 'Private message');

    $('#privacy-btn').on('click', function() {
        if($('#message-privacy').val() == 1) {
            $('#privacy-btn').attr('title', 'Private message');
        } else {
            $('#privacy-btn').attr('title', 'Public message');

    $('#profile-card').mouseleave(function() {

    // When the window is focused
    $(window).focus(function() {
        // If the currentTitle has the (!) notification, then remove it
        if(document.title.indexOf('(!)') >= 0) {
            document.title = document.title.replace("(!) ", "");

function gallery(id, uid, type) {
    // Show the Gallery
    $("#gallery, #gallery-background, .overall").fadeIn(300);

    // If the ID is close, close the Gallery
    if(id == 'close') {
        $("#gallery, .overall").fadeOut(300);
        return false;

    // Escape the ID (contains dots) http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
    var parsedId = id.replace('.', '\\.');

    // Decide NEXT / PREV buttons
    var nextImg = ($('#'+parsedId).next('a'));
    var prevImg = ($('#'+parsedId).prev('a'));

    // If the ID attribute is undefined, hide the button
    if(!nextImg.attr('id')) {
    } else {
        $('#gallery-next').attr('onclick', 'getNext(\''+id+'\', 0, '+uid+')');
    if(!prevImg.attr('id')) {
    } else {
        $('#gallery-prev').attr('onclick', 'getNext(\''+id+'\', 1, '+uid+')');

    // Put the content
    $('.image-content').html('<img src="uploads/'+type+'/'+id+'" class="ri" />').fadeIn(300);
    $('.gallery-footer-container').html('<div class="message-avatar">'+$('#avatar'+uid).html()+'</div><div class="message-top"><a onclick="gallery(\'close\')" title="Close Gallery"><div class="delete_btn"></div></a><a href="uploads/'+type+'/'+id+'" title="Download Image" target="_blank"><div class="download_btn"></div></a><div class="message-author">'+$('#author'+uid).html()+'</div><div class="message-time">'+$('#time'+uid).html()+'</div></div>');

function getNext(currentId, direction, uid) {
    // Get the next id
    var parsedId = currentId.replace('.', '\\.');
    if(direction == 0) {
        var next = ($('#'+parsedId).next('a'));
    } else {
        var next = ($('#'+parsedId).prev('a'));

    // Put the new Image
    $(".image-content").html('<img src="uploads/media/'+next.attr('id')+'" class="ri" />');
    $('.gallery-footer-container').html('<div class="message-avatar">'+$('#avatar'+uid).html()+'</div><div class="message-top"><a onclick="gallery(\'close\')" title="Close Gallery"><div class="delete_btn"></div></a><a href="uploads/media/'+next.attr('id')+'" title="Download Image" target="_blank"><div class="download_btn"></div></a><div class="message-author">'+$('#author'+uid).html()+'</div><div class="message-time">'+$('#time'+uid).html()+'</div></div>');

    var currentId = next.attr('id').replace('.', '\\.');

    // Decide NEXT / PREV buttons
    var nextImg = ($('#'+currentId).next('a'));
    var prevImg = ($('#'+currentId).prev('a'));

    // If the ID attribute is undefined, hide the button
    if(!nextImg.attr('id')) {
    } else {
        $('#gallery-next').attr('onclick', 'getNext(\''+next.attr('id')+'\', 0, '+uid+')');
    if(!prevImg.attr('id')) {
    } else {
        $('#gallery-prev').attr('onclick', 'getNext(\''+next.attr('id')+'\', 1, '+uid+')');

Try replacing lines 554 - 558 with the following:

function startUpload() {
    if (!$("input[name='type']").is(':checked')) {
        alert('You must select an option before submitting');
    else {

        document.getElementById("imageForm").target = "my_iframe"; //'my_iframe' is the name of the iframe
        document.getElementById("post-loader9999999999").style.visibility = "visible";

I thought my lack of PHP and jQuery knowledge would hinder my progress; thanks to you I can march on now.

Much Appreciated

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