I am about to make website, where explain my skills (if any), kind of portfolio.
I'd like to make two seperate choices in menu,
one for the client-side work (HTML, CSS, JS) and
one for the server-side work (PHP, SQL) seperately.

I thought of word "Coding" for client-side work.
But which word could I use for server-side work,
assuming visitor has no idea what the difference is.

I am about to make website, where explain my skills (if any), kind of portfolio.
I'd like to make two seperate choices in menu,
one for the client-side work (HTML, CSS, JS) and
one for the server-side work (PHP, SQL) seperately.

I thought of word "Coding" for client-side work.
But which word could I use for server-side work,
assuming visitor has no idea what the difference is.

I suppose you could use "design" and "development" for client and server, respectively.

1) If You, try to open any login page in any website.

2) You enter webaddress in address bar in your browser (its your client). Rigth now ur browser is blank.

3) when you press enter , your browser sends request to the server with page name you want to open (here we want login page)

4) So server will find code page (e.g php, asp, aspx, jsp) there server code is writtten , that what is to be send to client. and some html, css, and js code is sent to browser. all this code is formated using server side lanaguages and client side code is generated dynamically for browser.

5) Now browser will receive code from server and render on your display. Now control is with browser and server will wait for ur next request.

6) You will find some checks here on your page. You can see client side code in your browser by rightclick and view source. this all is client side code (html, css)

7) If you submit without entering userid password, you will find one popup or messsage instantly that enter userid password, (using js) this is still done at client side, so browser is basically client. which helps you to communicate with the webserver (yahoo.com, or any other like that )

8) Now when you fill all details and press submit.

9) Again your server is called and ur details are send to server. And client side code contains the address of page on server which will process your sent data.

10) Now server page will read ur request, verify it and give or redirect to appropriate page. again will send client side code( html, css, js ) its called server response.

11) Mostly we are redirected to home page of account or we get error message that invalid userid password.

I hope this makes clear.

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I thought of word "Coding" for client-side work.
But which word could I use for server-side work,

Coding isn't necessarily what you do on the client side. It may be markup and styling - not sure if that counts. Obviously javascript does. Just because you can write markup, style and code in js doesn't make you a designer either.
I can do these reasonably well, but my actual design skills (colour schemes etc) are particularly bad and I'd be embarrassed to call myself a web designer.

It depends on your level of expertise in various aspects. Maybe front-end and back-end developer. Maybe you are a better designer than a coder, etc. Depends.

@Bob_Hensley Ding! Ding! Ding! We've got winner!
@urtrivedi What the heck are you talking about?
@diafol I am more coder than designer.

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