Hi all,

I need some help with my php script. I'm working on the script to parsing the time from my other script so I can convert the hours into format, example: the hours I parse is 1:00 AM so I can convert it to 20140427010000.

Here is the list of format for 3 channels:



















































Here is the PHP:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$errmsg_arr = array();
$errflag = false;
include ('simple_html_dom.php');

function getState($string)
  $ex = explode(" ",$string);
  return $ex[1];

$xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
$xml .= '
<tv generator-info-name="www.mysite.com/xmltv">';
$base1 = "http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php";
$html = file_get_html($base1);    
$i = 0;

foreach($html->find('p[id=links]') as $element)
  $program_list[ $count ] = array();
  $id_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $id_split = explode("&", $link_split[1]);
  $channels = explode("channels=",$id_split[0]);
  $channels = $channels[1];
  $id = explode("id=",$id_split[1]);
  $id = $id[1];

  //$channel_test = $html->find('p[id=channels]', 10)->plaintext;
  //echo $channel_test;

  $program_list[$count]['channels'] = $channels;
  $program_list[$count]['id'] = $id;

  $channels_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $channels_split = explode("&", $channels_split[1]);
  $channel_id = explode("channels=",$channels_split[0]);
  $channel_id = $channel_id[1];
  $my_id = explode("id=",$channels_split[1]);
  $my_id = $my_id[1];

  $channel = urlencode($channel_id);
  $id_1 = urlencode($my_id);
  $html_two = file_get_html("http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php?channels=" . $channel . "&id=" . $my_id);
  $time1 = $html_two->find('span[id=time1]',0)->plaintext;
  $time2 = $html_two->find('span[id=time2]',0)->plaintext;
  $time3 = $html_two->find('span[id=time3]',0)->plaintext;
  $time4 = $html_two->find('span[id=time4]',0)->plaintext;
  $time5 = $html_two->find('span[id=time5]',0)->plaintext;
  $time6 = $html_two->find('span[id=time6]',0)->plaintext;
  $time7 = $html_two->find('span[id=time7]',0)->plaintext;
  $time8 = $html_two->find('span[id=time8]',0)->plaintext;
  $time9 = $html_two->find('span[id=time9]',0)->plaintext;
  $time10 = $html_two->find('span[id=time10]',0)->plaintext;
  $time11 = $html_two->find('span[id=time11]',0)->plaintext;
  $time12 = $html_two->find('span[id=time12]',0)->plaintext;
  $time13 = $html_two->find('span[id=time13]',0)->plaintext;
  $time14 = $html_two->find('span[id=time14]',0)->plaintext;

  $array = array(

  // Save the output format

  // GET the current STAGE
  $current_state = getState($array[0]);
  $offset = 0;

  foreach($array as $time)
    // Get the item state.  
    $this_state = getState($time);

    // check if we past a day? 
    if($current_state == "PM" && $this_state == "AM")
    $this_unix = strtotime($time) + (60 * 60 * 24 * $offset);
    echo date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
    echo "<br></br>";
    $current_state = $this_state;

I want to know how do you get each of those format to output them in the xml start="" and end="" like this?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tv generator-info-name="www.mysite.com/XML">
  <programme channel='test start='20140427010000' stop='20140427013000'>
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='test start='20140427013000' stop='20140427020000'>
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='test start='20140427020000' stop='20140427023000'>
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='test start='20140427023000' stop='20140428063000'>
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='test start='20140428063000' stop='20140428070000'>
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>

I tried to use the values, but I will get the wrong format and the format will get mess up if I use the values.

Does anyone know how I can get the format for per channel using with the values if that is possible?

diafol, I'm sorry but I'm using this as I have found the solution. I'm parsing the time especially hours so i can convert it to format. This is the only working one that I can use for now.

In my code, I can generating the date format when I'm parsing the time, but I cannot be able to stored the values into arrays as I would get the wrong format from different arrays. I want to know how I can get the format into arrays using the values when I convert the time into format in each time I send request to url to get the time?

Member Avatar for diafol

I'm confused. Give a sample of your input data. Are you just trying to create an XML document from another with just replacing the time format?

This isn't right...

<programme channel='test start='20140427010000' stop='20140427013000'>

Should it be...

<programme channel='test' start='20140427010000' stop='20140427013000'>



Ok, I see you're loading a php page. Perhaps if you supplied the url we could see it.

Is this you?


Ok, here is the example of what I'm trying to achieve. I have the list of 3 urls, so I'm sending the request to each url which I will get the hours and I will convert it to format.

Here is the input:

For Url one:

7:30 AM
9:30 AM

For Url two:

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

For Url three:

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

In that way, I will convert the hours of 7:30 AM into this 20140426073000, for 9:30AM i will convert it to 20140426093000. When I send the request to each url to get the hours and converting the hours into format, I will get the three same input of format when I run through the loops.

Here is the input:




It should be looks like this:




Here is the code:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$errmsg_arr = array();
$errflag = false;
include ('simple_html_dom.php');

function getState($string)
  $ex = explode(" ",$string);
  return $ex[1];

$xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
$xml .= '
<tv generator-info-name="www.mysite.com/xmltv">';
$base1 = "http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php";
$html = file_get_html($base1);      
$i = 0;
$count = 0;

foreach($html->find('p[id=links]') as $element)
  $program_list[ $count ] = array();
  $id_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $id_split = explode("&", $link_split[1]);
  $channels = explode("channels=",$id_split[0]);
  $channels = $channels[1];
  $id = explode("id=",$id_split[1]);
  $id = $id[1];

  //$channel_test = $html->find('p[id=channels]', 10)->plaintext;
  //echo $channel_test;

  $program_list[$count]['channels'] = $channels;
  $program_list[$count]['id'] = $id;

  $channels_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $channels_split = explode("&", $channels_split[1]);
  $channel_id = explode("channels=",$channels_split[0]);
  $channel_id = $channel_id[1];
  $my_id = explode("id=",$channels_split[1]);
  $my_id = $my_id[1];

  $channel = urlencode($channel_id);
  $id_1 = urlencode($my_id);
  $html_two = file_get_html("http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php?channels=" . $channel . "&id=" . $my_id);
  $time1 = $html_two->find('span[id=time1]',0)->plaintext;
  $time2 = $html_two->find('span[id=time2]',0)->plaintext;
  $time3 = $html_two->find('span[id=time3]',0)->plaintext;

  $array = array(

  // Save the output format

  // GET the current STAGE
  $current_state = getState($array[0]);
  $offset = 0;

  foreach($array as $time)
    // Get the item state.  
    $this_state = getState($time);

    // check if we past a day? 
    if($current_state == "PM" && $this_state == "AM")
    $this_unix = strtotime($time) + (60 * 60 * 24 * $offset);
    $values[] = date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
    //echo date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
    //echo "<br></br>";

  echo $values[0];
  echo "<br>";
  echo $values[1];
  echo "<br></br>";
  $current_state = $this_state;

Do you know how I can get the different format in each time when I send the request to each url when I parse the hours to convert it to format so I would not get the wrong format from different url?

When I tried to get the format for each url that I send request, I will get the same input of format when I run through the loops.

Member Avatar for diafol

What do you mean 'same format'? Do you mean the same time?

OK - I see from the example that the datetimes are replaying.

I don't see $count being incremented.

Anyway, I'll say it again - offsetting with seconds is a really BAD idea. It will mess up with daylight saving and possibly leap years.

Yeah, I will get the same time when I convert the time to format. Do you know how to fix it?

I don't have any problem with the offsetting. I'm getting the right daylight saving with seconds and hours. If I have a problem, I will let you know.

Member Avatar for diafol

Do you know how to fix it?

I said...

I don't see $count being incremented.

You need $count++ in the end of your loop.

i have added the $count++ in the end of my loop, but i'm still getting the same result.

foreach($html->find('p[id=links]') as $element)
  $program_list[ $count ] = array();
  $id_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $id_split = explode("&", $link_split[1]);
  $channels = explode("channels=",$id_split[0]);
  $channels = $channels[1];
  $id = explode("id=",$id_split[1]);
  $id = $id[1];

  //$channel_test = $html->find('p[id=channels]', 10)->plaintext;
  //echo $channel_test;

  $program_list[$count]['channels'] = $channels;
  $program_list[$count]['id'] = $id;

  $channels_split = explode("?", $element->plaintext);
  $channels_split = explode("&", $channels_split[1]);
  $channel_id = explode("channels=",$channels_split[0]);
  $channel_id = $channel_id[1];
  $my_id = explode("id=",$channels_split[1]);
  $my_id = $my_id[1];

  $channel = urlencode($channel_id);
  $id_1 = urlencode($my_id);
  $html_two = file_get_html("http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php?channels=" . $channel . "&id=" . $my_id);
  $time1 = $html_two->find('span[id=time1]',0)->plaintext;
  $time2 = $html_two->find('span[id=time2]',0)->plaintext;
  $time3 = $html_two->find('span[id=time3]',0)->plaintext;
  $time4 = $html_two->find('span[id=time4]',0)->plaintext;

  $array = array(

  // Save the output format

  // GET the current STAGE
  $current_state = getState($array[0]);
  $offset = 0;

  foreach($array as $time)
    // Get the item state.  
    $this_state = getState($time);

    // check if we past a day? 
    if($current_state == "PM" && $this_state == "AM")
    $this_unix = strtotime($time) + (60 * 60 * 24 * $offset);
    $values[] = date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
    //echo date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
    //echo "<br></br>";

  echo $values[0];
  echo "<br>";
  echo $values[1];
  echo "<br></br>";
  $current_state = $this_state;

Here is the input:





Here is the input:


I think I would need to create foeach url loop to send request to get the time from each url, because I will keep getting the same time for each array when I will only get the time from the first url.

However, I have tried this:

  $html_two = file_get_html("http://www.mysite.com/get-listing.php?channels=" . $channel . "&id=" . $my_id);
  $time1 = $html_two->find('span[id=time1]',0)->plaintext;
  echo $time1;
  echo "<br>";

Here is the input:

1:30 PM 
3:00 PM 
3:00 PM

So how I can get each of those time before I can convert it to format?

I have sent you a PM, please check it.

Member Avatar for diafol

In the end I used DomDocument - simple_html_dom.php had memory leaks that I couldn't track down - well not without spending more time on it.

Here's a class which may help. Rough and ready though...

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);

$template =
  "<programme channel='__CHANNEL__' start='__START__' stop='__STOP__'>
    <title lang=\"en\">__TITLE__</title>
    <sub-title lang=\"en\">__SUBTITLE__</sub-title>
    <desc lang=\"en\">__DESC__</desc>
    <category lang=\"en\">__CATEGORY__</category>

$base = '';

$x = new tvXml($base);

class tvXml
    private $baseUrl;
    private $domDoc;
    private $dt;
    private $previousTime;
    private $result;

    public function __construct($baseUrl)
        $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
        $this->domDoc = new DOMDocument();
        $this->domDoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
        $this->result = $this->extract_links();

    //trivial function for making some of your urls safer
    private function respace($url)
        return str_replace(" ", "%20",$url);

    //return a sorted array of data from all the channels
    public function extract_links()
        $links = $this->domDoc->getElementsByTagName('a');
        $data = array();
        foreach($links as $link)
            if(strstr($link->getAttribute('href'), $this->baseUrl))
                $url = $this->respace($link->getAttribute('href'));
                $sdoc = new DOMDocument();
                $sdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
                $spans = $sdoc->getElementsByTagName('span');
                $query = parse_url($url)['query'];
                $bits = explode("&", $query)[0];
                $channel = urldecode(explode("=",$bits)[1]);
                $data = array_merge($data, array_values($this->strip_items($channel, $spans))); 

        uasort($data, function($a, $b) { return strnatcmp($a["time"], $b["time"]); });
        return $data;

    //simply echo the XML snippet - equally change this to return instead of eacho to build an XML document.
    public function render($template, $channel='__CHANNEL__', $start='__START__', $stop='__STOP__', $title='__TITLE__', $subtitle='__SUBTITLE__', $desc = '__DESC__', $category = '__CATEGORY__')
        $output = '';
        foreach($this->result as $result)
            if(!isset($result['subtitle'])) $result['subtitle'] = '';
            if(!isset($result['desc'])) $result['desc'] = '';
            if(!isset($result['category'])) $result['category'] = '';

            $output .= "\n" . str_replace(array($channel, $start, $stop, $title, $subtitle, $desc, $category), array($result['channel'], $result['time'], $result['time2'], $result['title'], $result['subtitle'], $result['desc'], $result['category']), $template);           
        echo $output;

    //Pull out items from pages and get times into correct formats into an array
    private function strip_items($channel, $spans, $time="time", $title="title", $subtitle=NULL, $desc=NULL, $category=NULL)
        $itemArray = array('time'=>$time, 'title'=>$title);
        if($subtitle) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('subtitle'=>$subtitle));
        if($desc) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('desc'=>$desc));
        if($category) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('category'=>$category));

        $data = array();
        $this->dt = new DateTime();
        $this->previousTime = $this->dt->format('Hi'); 
        foreach($spans as $span)
            $id = $span->getAttribute('id');
            foreach($itemArray as $key=>$value)
                if(substr($id,0,strlen($value)) == $value)
                    $num = substr($id,strlen($value));
                    $data[$num][$key] = ($key == 'time') ? $this->retime($span->nodeValue) : $span->nodeValue;
        $numCount = count($data);

        for($i=1; $i<=$numCount; $i++)
            $data[$i]['time2'] = (isset($data[($i + 1)]['time'])) ? $data[($i + 1)]['time'] : '';   
            $data[$i]['channel'] = $channel;

        return $data;

    //Just return the Hi format for time and set the previous time 
    private function retime($timeAMPM)
        $tmpDT = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d ') . $timeAMPM);
        $conv = $tmpDT->format('Hi');
        if($conv < $this->previousTime) $this->dt->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
        $this->previousTime = $conv;
        return $this->dt->format('Ymd') . $conv;

Thank you very much for this, but there are two things that are something wrong with the code. The "<channel id='"101 ABC FAMILY"'>";, </channel> and </tv> is missing.

The code you wrote, it have all of these programme messing up.

Here it is:

<programme channel='BRAVO7' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">The Real Housewives of Atlanta -  Reunion Part Two</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='Animal Planet' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">River Monsters -  River of Blood</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='BRAVO2' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">The Real Housewives of Atlanta -  Reunion Part Two</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='CBS' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">60 Minutes</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='BRAVO4' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">The Real Housewives of Atlanta -  Reunion Part Two</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='BRAVO1' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">The Real Housewives of Atlanta -  Reunion Part Two</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='CNN USA' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown -  Las Vegas</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='USA Network' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">Law & Order: Special Victims Unit -  Criminal Hatred</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='SPIKE' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">Bar Rescue -  When Life Doesn't Hand You Lemons</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='ABC FAMILY' start='201404282000' stop='201404282200'>
    <title lang="en">Mirror Mirror</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
<programme channel='BRAVO USA' start='201404282000' stop='201404282100'>
    <title lang="en">The Real Housewives of Atlanta -  Reunion Part Two</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"></desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>

It should show like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <tv generator-info-name="www.mysite.com/XML">
    <channel id='"101 ABC FAMILY"'>
      <programme channel='101 ABC+FAMILY' start='20140425180000' stop='20140425183000'>
        <title lang="en">The Middle -  Thanksgiving III </title>
        <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
        <desc lang="en"> </desc>
        <category lang="en"></category>
      <programme channel='101 ABC+FAMILY' start='20140425183000' stop='20140425190000'>
        <title lang="en">The Middle -  A Christmas Gift </title>
        <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
        <desc lang="en"> </desc>
        <category lang="en"></category>
      <programme channel='101 ABC+FAMILY' start='20140425190000' stop='20140425210000'>
        <title lang="en">Liar Liar </title>
        <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
        <desc lang="en"> </desc>
        <category lang="en"></category>
      <programme channel='101 ABC+FAMILY' start='20140425210000' stop='20140425230000'>
        <title lang="en">Bruce Almighty </title>
        <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
        <desc lang="en"> </desc>
        <category lang="en"></category>
    <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140425180000' stop='20140425203000'>
    <title lang="en">Local Programming </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <channel id='"102 CBS"'>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140425203000' stop='20140425210000'>
    <title lang="en">CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140425210000' stop='20140425220000'>
    <title lang="en">Unforgettable -  East of Islip </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140425220000' stop='20140425230000'>
    <title lang="en">Hawaii Five-0 -  Peepee Kainaka </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140425230000' stop='20140426000000'>
    <title lang="en">Blue Bloods -  Custody Battle </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140426000000' stop='20140426123500'>
    <title lang="en">Local Programming </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140426123500' stop='20140426013700'>
    <title lang="en">Late Show With David Letterman </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>
  <programme channel='102 CBS' start='20140426013700' stop='20140426023700'>
    <title lang="en">The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson </title>
    <sub-title lang="en"></sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"></category>

And you have forgot to include them:

header("Content-Type: text/xml");
echo $xml;
$handle = fopen("myChannel.xml", "w"); 
fwrite ($handle, $xml);
Member Avatar for diafol

And you have forgot to include them:

No I didn't - that's up to you - you output it any way you want to. I'm not following a brief here, just giving you a big hand.

Anyway, there's a problem with the render when '&' is in the title, so you need to htmlentities() all text.

I sorted the programmes by time, because you noted in a previous post that the times needed to be in order. Placing it in 'channel' would have been hell of a lot easier.

Anyway, I'm going to bed. I may have a look at it tomorrow.

Member Avatar for diafol

BTW - You make no mention of the 'channel' tag in your first post - your XML example is pretty much as I've output. I'll spend 10 minutes on it, then it's up to you to do what you want.


ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);

require "tv.class.php";

$template =
  "\n\t\t<programme channel='__CHANNEL__' start='__START__' stop='__STOP__'>\n\t\t\t<title lang=\"en\">__TITLE__</title>\n\t\t\t<sub-title lang=\"en\">__SUBTITLE__</sub-title>\n\t\t\t<desc lang=\"en\">__DESC__</desc>\n\t\t\t<category lang=\"en\">__CATEGORY__</category>\n\t\t</programme>\n";

$base = '';

$x = new tvXml($base);

$data = $x->render($template);


header("Content-Type: text/xml");
echo $data;

//=====Save to file=====

$filename = 'tv.xml';
file_put_contents($filename, $data);

Here's the modified class (tv.class.php)...

class tvXml
    private $baseUrl;
    private $domDoc;
    private $dt;
    private $previousTime;
    private $result;

    public function __construct($baseUrl)
        $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
        $this->domDoc = new DOMDocument();
        $this->domDoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
        $this->result = $this->extract_links();

    //trivial function for making some of your urls safer
    private function respace($url)
        return str_replace(" ", "%20",$url);

    private function respacePlus($channelName)
        return str_replace(" ", "+",$channelName);

    //return a sorted array of data from all the channels
    public function extract_links()
        $links = $this->domDoc->getElementsByTagName('a');
        $data = array();
        foreach($links as $link)
            if(strstr($link->getAttribute('href'), $this->baseUrl))
                $url = $this->respace($link->getAttribute('href'));
                $sdoc = new DOMDocument();
                $sdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
                $spans = $sdoc->getElementsByTagName('span');
                $query = parse_url($url)['query'];
                $params = explode("&", $query);
                $channelNum = explode("=", $params[1])[1];
                $channelName = urldecode(explode("=",$params[0])[1]);
                $data = array_merge($data, $this->strip_items($channelName, $channelNum, $spans)); 

        //uasort($data, function($a, $b) { return strnatcmp($a["time"], $b["time"]); });
        return $data;

    //simply echo the XML snippet - equally change this to return instead of eacho to build an XML document.
    public function render($template, $channel='__CHANNEL__', $start='__START__', $stop='__STOP__', $title='__TITLE__', $subtitle='__SUBTITLE__', $desc = '__DESC__', $category = '__CATEGORY__')
        $output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
        $output .= "\n<tv generator-info-name=\"www.mysite.com/xmltv\">";
        foreach($this->result as $sChannel=>$resultArray)
            $output .= "\n\t<channel id=\"$sChannel\">";
            foreach($resultArray as $result)
                if(!isset($result['subtitle'])) $result['subtitle'] = '';
                if(!isset($result['desc'])) $result['desc'] = '';
                if(!isset($result['category'])) $result['category'] = '';

                $output .= str_replace(array($channel, $start, $stop, $title, $subtitle, $desc, $category), array(htmlentities($result['channel']), $result['time'], $result['time2'], htmlentities($result['title']), htmlentities($result['subtitle']), htmlentities($result['desc']), htmlentities($result['category'])), $template); 
            $output .= "\n\t</channel>";
        $output .="\n</tv>";
        return $output;

    //Pull out items from pages and get times into correct formats into an array
    private function strip_items($channelName, $channelNum, $spans, $time="time", $title="title", $subtitle=NULL, $desc=NULL, $category=NULL)
        $itemArray = array('time'=>$time, 'title'=>$title);
        if($subtitle) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('subtitle'=>$subtitle));
        if($desc) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('desc'=>$desc));
        if($category) $itemArray = array_merge($itemArray, array('category'=>$category));

        $channelKey = $channelNum . ' ' . $channelName;

        $data = array();
        $this->dt = new DateTime();
        $this->previousTime = $this->dt->format('Hi'); 
        foreach($spans as $span)
            $id = $span->getAttribute('id');
            foreach($itemArray as $key=>$value)
                if(substr($id,0,strlen($value)) == $value)
                    $num = substr($id,strlen($value));
                    $data[$channelKey][$num][$key] = ($key == 'time') ? $this->retime($span->nodeValue) : $span->nodeValue;
        $numCount = count($data[$channelKey]);

        for($i=1; $i<=$numCount; $i++)

            $data[$channelKey][$i]['time2'] = (isset($data[$channelKey][($i + 1)]['time'])) ? $data[$channelKey][($i + 1)]['time'] : '';    
            $data[$channelKey][$i]['channel'] = $channelNum . ' ' . $this->respacePlus($channelName);

        return $data;

    //Just return the Hi format for time and set the previous time 
    private function retime($timeAMPM)
        $tmpDT = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d ') . $timeAMPM);
        $conv = $tmpDT->format('Hi');
        if($conv < $this->previousTime) $this->dt->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
        $this->previousTime = $conv;
        return $this->dt->format('Ymd') . $conv;
Member Avatar for diafol

I gathered you were in a rush for this ?

I'm sorry but the code is not working, it show as empty screen. And your code is a bit in a mess. However, I have tidy up and clear the code so i can read it better.

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$errmsg_arr = array();
$errflag = false;

$xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
$xml .= '
<tv generator-info-name="www.mysite.com/xmltv">';

$baseUrl = file_get_contents('');

$domdoc = new DOMDocument();
$domdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;

//$links = $domdoc->getElementsByTagName('test');
//$links = $domdoc->getElementById('test');
$links = $domdoc->getElementsByTagName('a');

$data = array();
foreach($links as $link)
  //echo $domdoc->saveXML($link);
     if(!$link->hasAttribute('id') || $link->getAttribute('id')!='streams')
       $url = str_replace("rtmp://", "", $link->getAttribute('href'));
       $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $link->getAttribute('href'));
       //echo $url;
       //echo "<br>";
       $sdoc = new DOMDocument();
       $sdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
       $spans = $sdoc->getElementsByTagName('span');
       //echo $spans;
       $query = parse_url($url)['query'];
       $url_split = explode("&", $query)[0];
       $channel = urldecode(explode("=",$url_split)[1]);

       foreach($spans as $span)
         echo $span->nodeValue;

The code is working fine for me, I can read the code easily and I have got the input:

5:00 PMEragon7:30 PMHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince11:00 PMThe 700 Club12:00 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Same Game, Next Season12:30 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Three's a Crowd1:00 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - It's a Wonderful Lie1:30 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Bullets Over Bel-Air2:00 AMSummer Sexy With T25!2:30 AMThe T-Fal OptiGrill - Grill like a Pro3:00 AMThe 700 Club4:00 AMDerm Exclusive!4:30 AMSleep Better!5:00 AMJoseph Prince5:30 AMLife Today With James Robison - Beth Moore - CN56:00 AMJoyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life6:30 AMAmazing Facts Presents7:00 AMThat '70s Show - That '70s Finale7:30 AM

How do I get the time1, time2, time3, time4...etc into arrays to save the values and how I can input these time in start="" and end="" tag using the values?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tv generator-info-name="www.testbox.elementfx.com/test">
  <channel id='101 ABC FAMILY'>
    <display-name>101 ABC FAMILY</display-name>
  <programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY' start='20140429170000' stop='20140429193000'>
    <title lang="en">Eragon</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"> </sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"> </category>
  <programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY' start='20140429193000' stop='20140429230000'>
    <title lang="en">Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"> </sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"> </category>
  <programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY' start='20140429230000' stop='20140430000000'>
    <title lang="en">Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince</title>
    <sub-title lang="en"> </sub-title>
    <desc lang="en"> </desc>
    <category lang="en"> </category>
Member Avatar for diafol

I'm sorry but the code is not working, it show as empty screen.

Of course it's an empty screen - it's xml. It works perfectly for me.

And your code is a bit in a mess. However, I have tidy up and clear the code so i can read it better.

Really? OK, well done. However, by cutting out selected bits, you'll probably break it. I'm not looking at it again - I got it to work for you - if you can't get it to work, track down the error and let me know.

How do I get the time1, time2, time3, time4...etc into arrays to save the values and how I can input these time in start="" and end="" tag using the values?

My class did that. It output the values to the right place in the xml. I don't know what else you want it to do.

I have told you that I have got it working.

Here is the input:

5:00 PMEragon7:30 PMHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince11:00 PMThe 700 Club12:00 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Same Game, Next Season12:30 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Three's a Crowd1:00 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - It's a Wonderful Lie1:30 AMThe Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Bullets Over Bel-Air2:00 AMSummer Sexy With T25!2:30 AMThe T-Fal OptiGrill - Grill like a Pro3:00 AMThe 700 Club4:00 AMDerm Exclusive!4:30 AMSleep Better!5:00 AMJoseph Prince5:30 AMLife Today With James Robison - Beth Moore - CN56:00 AMJoyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life6:30 AMAmazing Facts Presents7:00 AMThat '70s Show - That '70s Finale7:30 AM

Do you know how I can get the time because I'm using $sdoc->getElementsByTagName('span'); which it will get the time and programme title. So how I can only get the time and programme title seperate that I want to create two variables?

Member Avatar for diafol

look at my class it's all there.

Ok, I have almost done it now. I have got the list of format which it show in the output:

<programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503110000' stop=''><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503133000' stop='20140503110000'><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503153000' stop='20140503133000'><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503175300' stop='20140503153000'><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503202000' stop='20140503175300'><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140503223000' stop='20140503202000'><programme channel='101 ABC FAMILY start='20140504013000' stop='20140503223000'>

Here is the update code:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 300);
$errmsg_arr = array();
$errflag = false;

function getState($string)
  $ex = explode(" ",$string);
  return $ex[1];

$xml .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
$xml .= '
<tv generator-info-name="www.testbox.elementfx.com/xmltv">';
$baseUrl = file_get_contents('');

$domdoc = new DOMDocument();
$domdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
$links = $domdoc->getElementsByTagName('a');
$i = 0;
$count = 0;

$data = array();
foreach($links as $link)
  //echo $domdoc->saveXML($link);
     if(!$link->hasAttribute('id') || $link->getAttribute('id')!='streams')
       $url = str_replace("rtmp://", "", $link->getAttribute('href'));
       $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $link->getAttribute('href'));
       //echo $url;
       //echo "<br>";
       $sdoc = new DOMDocument();
       $sdoc->strictErrorChecking = false;
       //$time1_span = $sdoc->getElementById('time1');       
       //$spans = $sdoc->getElementsByTagName('time1');
       $query = parse_url($url)['query'];
       $channel_split = explode("&", $query)[0];
       $channel = urldecode(explode("=",$channel_split)[1]);
       $id_split = explode("&", $query)[1];
       $my_id = urldecode(explode("=",$id_split)[1]);
       $xpath = new DOMXpath($sdoc);
       //$time1 = $xpath->query("*/span[@id='time1']");
       //$time2 = $xpath->query("*/span[@id='time2']");
       //$time3 = $xpath->query("*/span[@id='time3']");
       //$time4 = $xpath->query("*/span[@id='time4']");       

       $time_arr = array();
       for ($i = 1; $i < 70; $i++)
         $time_arr[] = $xpath->query("*/span[@id='time".$i."']");

       // Save the output format
       $DATE_FORMAT_STRING = "YmdHis";

       // GET the current STAGE
       $current_state = getState($array[0]->nodeValue);
       $offset = 0;
       $flag = 0;

       foreach($time_arr as $time)
         //echo $time->item(0)->nodeValue;

         // Get the item state.  
         //$this_state = getState($time);
         $this_state = getState($time->item(0)->nodeValue);
         //echo $time->nodeValue;

         // check if we past a day? 
         if($current_state == "PM" && $this_state == "AM")
         $this_unix = strtotime($time->item(0)->nodeValue) + (60 * 60 * 24 * $offset);
         $values[] = date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
         //echo date($DATE_FORMAT_STRING, $this_unix);
         //echo $values[$count];
         //echo "<br></br>";

         $starttime = $values[$count];
         //echo $starttime;
         echo "<programme channel='".$my_id." ".$channel." start='".$starttime."' stop='".$stoptime."'>";

       echo "<programme channel='".$my_id." ".$channel." start='".$starttime."' stop='".$stoptime."'>";
       $stoptime = $starttime;
       $stoptime = $starttime;
         $current_state = $this_state;

How do you input the format in the end=""?

example: I want to input the 20140503133000 in the end="" and start="", for the next format 20140503153000 I want to input them in the end="" and start="". The same things it goes for other format.

How I can do that using with my code?

Member Avatar for diafol

As I said my class does that. I'm not going to start deconstructing things. Have a look at my code - the answer is there. OK, this is my last post here - good luck with it, hope you get it solved to your satisfaction.

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