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What is the difference between GET and POST methods of submitting a form?

joyc123 commented: Ineed to know the same +0
thelove commented: dfg +0
        When you submit a form usig GET method, you can see the values you entered in address bar.

        For example,
                      you enter your user name and password, You can see it on address bar. So its not a secure way. To avoid this problem. you have to use POST method.
          It is the secure way to submit form values.

The main difference between Get and Post is that when we use Get our data show in url and Post do not show any data and that's why for Secure data post method is preffered.

you can send only 2MB data using Get Method and Unlimited using Post method.

Do your own bloody homework,

commented: hah hah - bloody funny +14

Do your own bloody homework,

Ha! Agreed.

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