Why lowsrc attribute used in Img tag???

Not sure what you are asking - can you elaborate please?

The lowscr attribute has been deprecated for a while now and is obsolete in HTML5.

There is now also the new srcset attribute to handle different resolutions of the image.

Ok I see - but what is your actual question?

@Dave - I'm not the OP :) I guess we replied at the same time to his question.

Member Avatar for diafol

I don't understand the question. That is to say, I don't understand what the OP wants to know here that could not be answered by a quick search. Ridiculous and lazy. Stop wasting your time guys. Just what this site does not need - low quality trash.

Ok sorry wasn't paying attention there!

The lowsrc has been used to load a low-resolution copy of the original image before the full resolution src-image has been loaded.

- Would you like to know why?

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