Dear Sirs,
I have two tables (Clients and Country), my below php code is for creating a new client with a dropdown box from country to insert the id_country into clients table. When click add new nothing added to table clinets: any help please:

    $jsFile = 'newClient';

    // Add New Client Account
    if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'addClient') {
        // Validation
        if($_POST['id_country'] == "...") {
            $msgBox = alertBox($selectcountryReq, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
        } else if($_POST['clientEmail'] == "") {
            $msgBox = alertBox($emailReqMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
        } else if($_POST['password1'] == "") {
            $msgBox = alertBox($passworReqMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
        } else if($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) {
            $msgBox = alertBox($passwordsNotMatchMsg, "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i>", "warning");
        } else if($_POST['clientFirstName'] == "") {
            $msgBox = alertBox($firstNameReqMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
        } else if($_POST['clientLastName'] == "") {
            $msgBox = alertBox($lastNameReqMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
        } else {
            // Set some variables
            $setActive = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['setActive']);
            $dupEmail = '';
            $newEmail = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['clientEmail']);
            $clientFirstName = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['clientFirstName']);
            $clientLastName = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['clientLastName']);
            $id_country = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['id_country']);
            $countryname = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['countryname']);

            // Check for Duplicate email
            $check = $mysqli->query("SELECT clientEmail FROM clients WHERE clientEmail = '".$newEmail."'");
            if ($check->num_rows) {
                $dupEmail = 'true';

            // If duplicates are found
            if ($dupEmail != '') {
                $msgBox = alertBox($emailInUseMsg, "<i class='fa fa-warning'></i>", "warning");
            } else {
                if ($setActive == '0') {
                    // Create the new account & send Activation Email to Client
                    $hash = md5(rand(0,1000));
                    $isActive = '0';
                    $createDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    $password = encryptIt($_POST['password1']);

                    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("
                                        INSERT INTO
                                            ) VALUES (

                    // Send out the email in HTML
                    $installUrl = $set['installUrl'];
                    $siteName = $set['siteName'];
                    $businessEmail = $set['businessEmail'];
                    $newPass = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['password1']);

                    $subject = $newClientEmailSubject;

                    $message = '<html><body>';
                    $message .= '<h3>'.$subject.'</h3>';
                    $message .= '<p>'.$newClientEmail1.'</p>';
                    $message .= '<hr>';
                    $message .= '<p>'.$newClientEmail2.' '.$newPass.'</p>';
                    $message .= '<p>'.$newClientEmail3.' '.$installUrl.'activate.php?clientEmail='.$newEmail.'&hash='.$hash.'</p>';
                    $message .= '<hr>';
                    $message .= '<p>'.$newClientEmail4.'</p>';
                    $message .= '<p>'.$emailThankYou.'</p>';
                    $message .= '</body></html>';

                    $headers = "From: ".$siteName." <".$businessEmail.">\r\n";
                    $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$businessEmail."\r\n";
                    $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                    $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";

                    if (mail($newEmail, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
                        $msgBox = alertBox($newClientAcctEmailSent, "<i class='fa fa-check-square'></i>", "success");
                        // Clear the form of Values
                        $_POST['clientEmail'] = $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['clientFirstName'] = $_POST['clientLastName'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $msgBox = alertBox($emailErrorMsg, "<i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i>", "danger");
                } else {
                    // Create the new account and set it to Active
                    $hash = md5(rand(0,1000));
                    $isActive = '1';
                    $today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    $password = encryptIt($_POST['password1']);

                    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("
                                        INSERT INTO
                                            ) VALUES (
                    $msgBox = alertBox($newClientAccountActive, "<i class='fa fa-check-square'></i>", "success");
                    // Clear the form of Values
                    $_POST['id_country'] = $_POST['clientEmail'] = $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['clientFirstName'] = $_POST['clientLastName'] = '';

    include 'includes/navigation.php';
<div class="contentAlt">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs">
        <li><a href="index.php?action=activeClients"><i class="fa fa-user"></i> <?php echo $activeClientsTabLink; ?></a></li>
        <li><a href="index.php?action=inactiveClients"><i class="fa fa-archive"></i> <?php echo $inactiveClientsTabLink; ?></a></li>
        <li class="active pull-right"><a href="" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <?php echo $newClientTabLink; ?></a></li>

<div class="content last">
        <h3><?php echo $pageName; ?></h3>
    <?php if ($msgBox) { echo $msgBox; } ?>

    <form action="" method="post">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-6">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="setActive"><?php echo $setAccountActiveField; ?></label>
                    <select class="form-control" name="setActive">
                        <option value="0" selected><?php echo $noBtn; ?></option>
                        <option value="1"><?php echo $yesBtn; ?></option>
                    <span class="help-block"><?php echo $setAccountActiveHelp; ?></span>
            <div class="col-md-6">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="clientEmail"><?php echo $emailAddressField; ?></label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" required="" name="clientEmail" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['clientEmail']) ? $_POST['clientEmail'] : ''; ?>" />
                    <span class="help-block"><?php echo $validEmailAddressHelp; ?></span>
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-6">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="clientFirstName"><?php echo $newAccountFirstName; ?></label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" required="" name="clientFirstName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['clientFirstName']) ? $_POST['clientFirstName'] : ''; ?>" />
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="clientLastName"><?php echo $newAccountLastName; ?></label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" required="" name="clientLastName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['clientLastName']) ? $_POST['clientLastName'] : ''; ?>" />
                <div class="col-md-6"<?php echo $colNum; ?>"> 
                    <div class="form-group"
                    <label for="id_country"><?php echo $selectCountryField; ?></label>
                    <select class="form-control" name="id_country" id="id_country">
                        // Get the Country List
                        $sqlStmt = "SELECT * FROM country ORDER BY country_name";
                        $results = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sqlStmt) or die('-2'.mysqli_error());
                        <option value="..."><?php echo $selectOption; ?></option>
                        <?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) { ?>
                            <option value="<?php echo $row['id_country']; ?>"><?php echo clean($row['country_name']); ?></option>
                        <?php } ?>
                    <span class="help-block"><?php echo $selectCountryFieldHelp; ?></span>
                    <input type="hidden" name="countryname" id="countryname" />
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-6">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="password1"><?php echo $passwordField; ?></label>
                    <div class="input-group">
                        <input type="password" class="form-control" required="" name="password1" id="password1" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password1']) ? $_POST['password1'] : ''; ?>" />
                        <span class="input-group-addon"><a href="" id="generate" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Generate Password"><i class="fa fa-key"></i></a></span>
                    <span class="help-block">
                        <a href="" id="show1" class="btn btn-warning btn-xs"><?php echo $showPlainText; ?></a>
                        <a href="" id="hide1" class="btn btn-info btn-xs"><?php echo $hidePlainText; ?></a>
            <div class="col-md-6">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="password2"><?php echo $repeatPasswordField; ?></label>
                    <input type="password" class="form-control" required="" name="password2" id="password2" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password2']) ? $_POST['password2'] : ''; ?>" />
                    <span class="help-block">
                        <a href="" id="show2" class="btn btn-warning btn-xs"><?php echo $showPlainText; ?></a>
                        <a href="" id="hide2" class="btn btn-info btn-xs"><?php echo $hidePlainText; ?></a>
        <button type="input" name="submit" value="addClient" class="btn btn-success btn-icon mt20"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> <?php echo $addNewClientBtn; ?></button>

Hello ribrahim,

Kindly enable debugging mode by printing the error on your browser.
The copy and paste the error here so that we have a hint to help you.

Hello reyborn,

Thank you for your reply. I solve the problem. ther error is bind_param values.

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