Programmer buddies,

Do you mind pointing me to the right direction ?
I've been waiting from dec 2015 to learn php 7 but no tuts on php 7 were out until a month or 2 ago but yet again they are not proper or complete tuts.
Can you recommend some text and video tuts on php 7 for complete beginners who do not know previous versions ?
That manual is no good for complete beginners. More of a reference manual for pros like you guys.
I thought this tut would be good but turns-out a Russian guy jut reading the manual on video with no code examples:

Tried learning from but like I said that is not for complete beginners.
Then tried learning from youtube php channels. learned a little but now realize they were not on php 7 but some on 5 and now I am getting confused because the syntax on 5 & 7 are not same.

Q1. What are your top best Php 7 tutorials (paperback books, ebooks, online text tutorials and online video tutorials) suitable for complete beginners (who do not know previous versions) and why do you suggest them over others ?

You do not have to answer the following but it would help the community learn more about you:

Q2. Where did you learn Php and which version ?

Q3. How many years experience do you have in Php and which version most ?

Q4. Which other languages you know and how many years experience ?

Q5. Where are your Php 7 and other Php versions' development portfolios (work samples) ?

Q6. Which php extensions and frameworks do you recommend and why them and which ones you do not recommend and why not them ?
I kno mysql extension is not recommended but mysqli over it. however, programmers in 2 different places suggest I forget mysqli and recommend pdo. I think you know what kind of answers/info I am looking for now.

Q7. Anything else I should know ?

I actually want to learn php 7 to build SNs (Social Networks) like youtube, facebook, twitter, reddit, yahoo answers, etc.
I need to learn the following subjects (only php 7):

Tutorial 1

  • how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a check box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 2

  • how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with multi checking box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 3

  • how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a radio button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 4

  • how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a dropdown selector using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 5

  • how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with multi-options dropdown selector using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 6

  • how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with an onClick button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 7

  • how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with onClick button using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 8

  • how to insert, update, delete a single record in mysql database with a text box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 9

  • how to insert, update, delete multiple records in mysql database with a text box using mysqli, pdo.

Tutorial 10

  • how to search, update, delete mysql records using mysqli & pdo and filter search results based on exact match, fuzzy match, alphabetical order, data submission order (order by date submitted).

Tutorial 11

  • how to search mysql database using mysqli and filter search results based on exact match, fuzzy match, alphabetically, data submit order (order by date submitted) and then insert selected records (by checkbox) to another database or table.
    Eg. We search for users "michael" on the "users" db/tbl and then we select with checkboxes all the "michael" users we want to add to another db/tbl such as "follow these users" tbl.

Tutorial 12

  • how to populate Radio Button, CheckBox, Dropdown, etc. options with data called from Mysql database using Php 7 mysqli & pdo ?

Tutorial 13

  • And ofcourse, if any tuts can show how to build a Social Network (both Cookie & Session, User Reg Page, Form validation with php 7 and not with javascript, Email Verification, Forgot Password/Password Reminder, Login Page, Login - Remember Me option, Logout Page, Welcome Page, Search Page (search members, search selected member posts, search selected member website submission links, etc.), Users Messaging Page.
    And for the admin part ...
    Admin Page, Admin User Add/Update/Delete/Search Page, Member Messaging Page) that has Following, Posting, Tweeting, Retweeting, Liking, Sharing features.

If any of you guys open a youtube channel (to attract subscribers) and bring-out these tuts then PM me to subscribe.
Made the above 13 tuts suggestions to some php channels on youtube. They always praise me for the suggestion promising they'll bring them out but a month gone by and no new news. I prefer to look back on php 7 books and online text tuts now and not totally rely on tut channels on youtube.
Frankly, I need proper tuts and not bits of pieces here and there on youtube. Else, would have to give-up on php and try my luck learning Python instead but would be a shame to quit php after 1.5 yrs of waiting for proper tuts to come-out on php 7.
Any guidance from anyone is appreciated. and the like never mention which php version they are teaching and most are on 5. No good to me.
Here are the youtube channels I'm eyeing ...

Which youtube channel do you recommend for us complete newbies ?

I have to disagree. Some of the basics still apply. In your prior post you may have tripped over a basic limitation of the integer data type. That exists in most languages and versions. Don't dismiss a tutorial out of hand just because it's version is not 7.

That is, knowing your data types, is something you can pick up from all the tutorials, regardless of version.

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As rp states the diffrrences between 5 and 7 for a complete beginner are small. The main one being the removal of mysql functions, at last. So if tutes talk about pdo or mysqli then they should be ok.

Thank you all for your input!

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