
Is anyone here are really good at laravel? I am willing to pay at $8.00 / hour if anyone here can teach me how to work on laravel while working on my project as a sample through skype.


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Not sure you.ll get much for $8/hr. To give you an idea - I charge a minimum of $40/hr for schoolkids. Perhaps it.s just geo-economical difference.

ok, I'll pay you $20.00 to setup 1-2 website that I have online offline. I am having trouble with that. It will probably takes you an hour to do it.

I have two websites that I am trying to download and make it work offline but I do not know how to do it. My company is using a sharehosting for this.

Do you have skype?

Member Avatar for diafol

Sorry davy, I was just making a comment about the expectations on costs. I'm not available. There are many sites out there that offer this type of thing, e.g. codementor (not used it though).

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