I have duplicate H1 tags on all pages of my website's blog, including tags, categories, and more. I have tried using default tools to fix the issue, but have been unsuccessful. I was wondering if any of you have experienced this problem before? My website is https://softwareplanetgroup.co.uk/blog/.
Thanks anyway!

harryjohnson commented: Just make your category and tags pages nofollow or noindex. In this way your main blogs pages will not affect from duplicate H1 +0

In your private messages you save to look at other than the top page but again I don't see a visual issue.

Take a moment to grab a screenshot of the issue so I can tell what you are seeing.

Here is a piece of code on page I have:

<h1 class="display-4">Blog</h1>

So this H1 is the same on every Blog pages - page1, page2, page3...
The question is - How can I make this H1 unique for every page? Because for now it is just <h1 class="display-4">Blog</h1>

Add some detail about those tools. Here I use various editors for HTML. What you use isn't clear so for me I can't see why this is an issue as I could edit the code as I wish.

I really wish I could help you, but unfortunately I don't have any Wordpress experience. There should be a way to edit the template, for a category page, for example, and where it is hardcoded to say Blog, change it to be the variable that is currently being used for your page title.

I would consider this a pretty urgent technical SEO issue. I wish you the best of luck! I just unfortunately don't personally have any Wordpress experience.

I would also like to clarify, your topic title here is improving meta tags. The <h1> tags you have aren't meta tags, they're header tags. It's a technicality, but an important distinction to help your Google searching while you do research to fix this issue.

P.S. What happens if you try <h1 class="display-4"><?php wp_title(''); ?></h1>? Not sure if it will work. It was just the first thing I found after a quick Google search to try to help you.

commented: Wow! That`s realy awesome idea. I`ll try it! +0

It is surprisingly simple to solve this problem.

Give your blog post a title. Where it says Add Title on the blank page of a new post in your blog.

Which you have actually done already. What you are linking to is a page listing your blog posts. And I am pretty sure you know that. Are you trying to direct us to your blog to increase site visitors to a site that was created in 2015?

If I click on the main menu to your site, I see the various services that you offer, the expertise you claim, etc, etc, etc. So I suspect this is just to get us clicking on your link and establish backlinks to your site.

Especially because it says this about your company:
"Software Planet Group is a bespoke software development company with firm roots in the Agile movement. For nearly 2 decades, we have delivered robust, tailor-made software solutions for businesses, by pairing a singular partnership approach with unbeatable offshore value."
Yeh sure, you can't work out why a paginated list of blog posts has the same title on each page of the list.

commented: You are too inattentive and don`t see real problem. Just try to read the full description, so then write some comments +0

Wow! Thats realy awesome idea. Ill try it!

Did it work?

So are you saying that you want the Categories individual pages/lists to be headed by the Category name? EG the category How we work to be headed as How we work, Technology post page to be headed as Technology, etc, instead of Blog. If you'd asked that more clearly I could have given you the answer straight away.

I have done it for several clients. With a plugin I recommend to my clients. It comes as a free and paid version, paid is not particularly expensive, about £30 - £35 and even for a personal site the paid version can be worth using - one client want one more feature which was only in the paid version. Easy to use, only needs extra work when you invent a new category. And probably adjustments to the menu, but that is relatively simple too. Although with 31 categories, the menu would be awkward. So you'd probably want to make a page like the current Blog page, that listed the category pages, gave a brief summary about them and linked to their (modified) page.

The plugin I have used is relatively simple to use, and once set up you really don't need to alter your work flow, the clever bits happen automatically. You should have no problem using it. I see no reason for it not to work with Elementor, your page builder, but you can always test with the free version first.

You just have to say please and sorry. ;)
And I will point you at the supplier (it's not me, I get no financial reward if you use it).

Update: Just checked, yes it works okay with Elementor on my little test things site.

To improve meta tags in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

Install an SEO plugin: Install and activate an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. These plugins provide an easy-to-use interface for optimizing your meta tags.

Configure the plugin: After installing the SEO plugin, go to its settings page and configure the general settings. This includes specifying your website's name, setting up default meta tags, and configuring social media settings.

Optimize individual posts and pages: When creating or editing a post or page, scroll down to the SEO section provided by the SEO plugin. Here, you can customize the meta title and description specific to that content. Ensure that your meta tags are concise, relevant, and contain keywords related to the content.

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The answers were supplied above, here is a summary -

To make the <h1> element unique for every page in WordPress, you can utilize the functionality provided by WordPress itself. One common approach is to use the page or post title as the content of the <h1> element. Here's how you can achieve this:

Identify the template file that controls the rendering of the pages where you want to make the <h1> element unique. Common template files in WordPress include page.php, single.php, or custom template files.

Open the template file in a code editor or the WordPress theme editor.

Locate the code that renders the <h1> element, which may look similar to <h1 class="display-4">Blog</h1>.

Replace the static content, such as "Blog," with the dynamic page or post title. You can use the the_title() function in WordPress to retrieve the title of the current page or post.

<h1 class="display-4"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>

Note that modifying template files directly can be overwritten during theme updates. It's generally recommended to create a custom template to ensure your changes persist across theme updates.

Here's my solution
Use the plugin ContentViews, available from wordpress's plugin section and from the creator of the plugin's own site if you want the paid version with more features. (Google will find their site for you)

You have to create a blank page as a template that has the same general layout and side content as the current blog, with a sub-menu in the right hand side, then make duplicates of it to reduce the work load. One page for each category of blog post. I use a page duplication plugin and then edit the page title (which is the H1 heading) and any other tags and sub headings (H1 is not a metatag, your original question mistakenly called them meta tags. So replies about real metatags are not the solution you want)

You then make a set of "views" of your content which is very simple within ContentViews. You simple choose a layout template that is built in to contentview that suits you, and style it to match the current summary lists the site displays - again built into contentviews. ContentViews works great with feature images, but you don't seem to use feature images, so you can just ignore that layout option. You can set how long a summary of a blog post is displayed in the view as well. You select the category of blog posts you want for each page within the view's properties. And add the shortcode of the appropriate "view" to the page. Then all those particular posts end up on their own page. Where you can add whatever descriptive text below the page title but above the actual posts. Then you create a second page for a different category with its own H1 etc, and make an identical view where ONLY the category tag is changed. Then repeat, repeat, repeat. This is why it is simple to use, just editing a new view for each page.

You add these category pages to the sub-menu you created for the right hand side column. Your blog writers simply have to continue as normal, but using the existing categories, and contentview automatically add the post to the correct page of posts.

The current theme is probably doing a similar job a different way but is not allowing you to have total control of the resulting categories and their pages. So this solution just bypasses the theme's post handling system. I'd suggest starting with the free version of ContentViews, and making three or four category pages to see if you are happy with the way things work. I'd include an All Posts page in your trial of this way of working (which is your first blog page, before the user visits the individual pages). You would obviously want each view sorted by date within its category. There are several sort orders available within this plugin.

You can see on this site that the pages Recent Pages, Past Paintings, Pots, Drawings all display a summary of posts within each category and a click on the Read More opens the post itself. So if the site owner writes a new post for one of these categories, it is automatically added to the correct page. The colours used are her choice.

You didn't really think you had to say please and sorry, did you?

Oops, you do use a feature image in your summaries, I must have looked at some individual posts not realised that the cartoon style images in there text was your featured image. I usually ignore such images, and the plugin samples often use real photos. So you CAN use that feature of ContentViews to get a very similar summary to your current lists.

Hi, guys! So, the variant

<h1 class="display-4"><?php wp_title(''); ?></h1>

works fine in my case on the stage. No plugins are needed (once again, in my case).
Thanks all for your help!

commented: Pleasure! +15
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