I have a problem with a drop down menu box,

the box is generated from asp, so the amount of <option> available will vary.

When there are too many options in the list, the list gets too high and goes off the page, and the last options can't be seen.

Is there a way around this? We've looked at Frames, but can't figure the details of it.

Is the answer in Javascript?


Sounds odd....
Normally the size of the expanded select element will fit in the screen/window.

But you could add the "size" attribute to the "select" element. That'll make the "size" number of options visible always and add scollbars. But then the options won't "float" as they would normally, and that may f*** your design(?).

<select name="whatever" size="5"><option>1</option><option>2</option></select>

What browser are you using?

Oh yeah, just as a note: Don't use frames....ever!

Again, there is no reason not to use frames if that is what fits your application needs. Frames are valid HTML, continue to be part of the revised HTML and XHTML specifcations, are part of the DOM so are scriptable, etc. This blanket condemnation of frames, with no regard to the scope or context of the application is silly and unwelcome here.

So, statements of personal oppinion are unwelcome ?

Frames, AS I SEE 'EM, greatly dimish the flexibility and scalability of a site, can be the cause of navigation issues, and requires more work to cope with potential SEO problems.

I'll grant you that sometimes frames can be a valid solution, but generally speaking - and once again this is my personal oppinion - anyone who knows what they're doing uses frames as little as possible.

This particular section of Daniweb is about coding, not SEO. The original poster said nothing about SEO, nor did he explain the scope/purpose of his application. Not every web application is designed around the whole SEO/AdSense paradigm that is spreading like kudzu these days - there are actual business applications out there.

So yes, while personal opinions about programming styles/methods are welcome here, blanket condemnations of valid HTML structure based on off-topic reasons (SEO), are not. There is a big difference between an opinion ("Frames are inferior to DIVs set to overflow...") and just plain bad advice ("Don't use frames.... ever!").

Anyone who "knows what they're doing" considers all possible approaches and picks the one that is best suited to the task at hand.

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