Hi. I understand that ASP is server side and JS is, at least in my case, run on the client. So, an ASP process will be run before a JS process. I want to make them work together if possible.
Here is my problem: I have an ASP process that uses a component on my server to FTP files from my server to another. It gets the files it needs and FTP settings from a database and runs great.

Then, I have a progress bar in JS. I can run a loop to test it and it runs great.
Now, I want to combine the two so that as each file is transferred from my server the progress bar progresses. The problem is that the ASP process run to completion before the progress bar is ever displayed on the page.
My next approach is to use an if statement to see if the counter is equal to the number of records from the recordset of files to transfer. Maybe if I do it that way I can transfer one file at a time and then update the prograss bar instead of trying to do it all at one in a while loop.
Does anyone else have any ideas on how I could do this? ;)

Javascript isn't Java, neither is ASP.

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Hi. I understand that ASP is server side and JS is, at least in my case, run on the client. So, an ASP process will be run before a JS process. I want to make them work together if possible.
Here is my problem: I have an ASP process that uses a component on my server to FTP files from my server to another. It gets the files it needs and FTP settings from a database and runs great.

Then, I have a progress bar in JS. I can run a loop to test it and it runs great.
Now, I want to combine the two so that as each file is transferred from my server the progress bar progresses. The problem is that the ASP process run to completion before the progress bar is ever displayed on the page.
My next approach is to use an if statement to see if the counter is equal to the number of records from the recordset of files to transfer. Maybe if I do it that way I can transfer one file at a time and then update the prograss bar instead of trying to do it all at one in a while loop.
Does anyone else have any ideas on how I could do this? ;)

i didnt understood ur question well. the way u explained has made made my mind a football:eek:.

whatever explain the problem clearly i mean....tell whatever u have done etc...it would be nice if you write it in points since it would be easy for me and others to read and understand.

It sounds like you are almost there. The one file at a time way is probably as good as any. Would you refresh your page to update the JS progress bar after each file is uploaded?

Hi. I understand that ASP is server side and JS is, at least in my case, run on the client. So, an ASP process will be run before a JS process. I want to make them work together if possible.
Here is my problem: I have an ASP process that uses a component on my server to FTP files from my server to another. It gets the files it needs and FTP settings from a database and runs great.

Then, I have a progress bar in JS. I can run a loop to test it and it runs great.
Now, I want to combine the two so that as each file is transferred from my server the progress bar progresses. The problem is that the ASP process run to completion before the progress bar is ever displayed on the page.
My next approach is to use an if statement to see if the counter is equal to the number of records from the recordset of files to transfer. Maybe if I do it that way I can transfer one file at a time and then update the prograss bar instead of trying to do it all at one in a while loop.
Does anyone else have any ideas on how I could do this? ;)

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