hai friends

I need one solution for multidimentional array merging option using php

Please send me any samples multidimensional array merging

look at array_merge() and array_merge_recursive()

I need multidimentional array merge

Well, those should do the job, not straightforward though. Can you give an example of what exactly you need to do?

Here is the sample code

$tstats=array ( "160x600" => array ("0" => "21","1"=> "1" ,"2" => "0" ,"3" => "0" ), "300x250" => array ( "0" => "32" ,"1" => "2" ,"2" => "0" ,"3" => "0" ) );
//$products=array ( "160x600" => array ("0" => "21","1"=> "1" ,"2" => "0" ,"3" => "0" ));
while(list($k, $s) = each($tstats))
$prodects1=array ($k=>$s[0]);
///$result=array_push($tstats, $prodects1);
print "<br>";

I don't really follow what you're trying to do. Can you post the initial arrays and a result you want it to be?

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