Hai friends

I am using array "name " field for example

<input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/> *</td>

When I try to validate the text box NULL or not using Javascript ,I unable to validate

Please any one advice me

What's the code for validation? Can you post it here?

hi R u know about the solution this issue !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hai friends

I am using array "name " field for example

<input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/> *</td>

When I try to validate the text box NULL or not using Javascript ,I unable to validate

Please any one advice me

var value = document.getElementById('prod_image[]').value;

That should get you the value of the input of id "prod_image[]".

The only problem that I can think of is if you have more than one id of "prod_image[]".


<input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/> 
<input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/> 
<input name="prod_image[]" type="file" class="Textfield" id="prod_image[]"/>

Then document.getElementById('prod_image[]') will only return the first input element.

If you have multiple inputs like above you can iterate through them using the DOM method, getElementsByTagName().


var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');

for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {

   if (inputs[i].type == 'file') { // check if this is a file
      // do your validation here... 



The problem with method is that you will get all input elements in the document via document.getElementsByTagName('input'); while all you want are the input elements in the form you are validating.
To get elements only in the form you will use:


where 'form_name' is the name of your form.

Thanks digital-ether Its working

Thanks for your replay


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