Here's one problem to sort html table. The rows have their collapsible child rows. I want them to be in order after sorting the rows. Help appreciated.

<title>Expandible row test in firefox</title>
<STYLE type="text/css">
DISPLAY: none;
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
//***collapsible rows 
function outliner(evt) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : (window.event) ? window.event : ""; 
var oMe; 
if (evt.srcElement) { 
oMe = evt.srcElement; 
} else if ( { 
oMe =; 
if (evt.srcElement) { 
//for IE 
var child = document.all[oMe.getAttribute("child",false)];
else { 
//for Firefox 
var child = document.all[oMe.getAttribute("child",false)];
//get child element
//if child element exists, expand or collapse it.
if (null != child)
child.className = child.className == "collapsed" ? "expanded" : "collapsed";
function changepic(evt) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : (window.event) ? window.event : ""; 
var uMe; 
if (evt.srcElement) { 
uMe = evt.srcElement; 
} else if ( { 
uMe =; 
var check = uMe.src.toLowerCase();
if (check.lastIndexOf("expand.gif") != -1)
uMe.src = "collapse.gif";
uMe.src = "expand.gif";
var ts_version = "1.26";
var ts_browser_agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 
var ts_browser_is_ie = ((ts_browser_agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (ts_browser_agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));
var ml_tsort = {
// configurable constants, modify as needed!
sort_col_title : "Click to Sort!", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header columns
sort_col_asc_title : "Sorted ascending", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header column after the column's sorted in ascending order
sort_col_desc_title : "Sorted Descending ", // the popup text for the sorting link in the header column after the column's sorted in ascending order
sort_col_class : "abc", // whichever class you want the heading to be
sort_col_style : "text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:black", // whichever style you want the link to look like
sort_col_class_post_sort : "def", // whichever class you want the heading for the column that's just sorted
sort_col_style_post_sort : "text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:black", // whichever style you want the link to look like when the column for the link was sorted
sort_col_mouseover : "'blue'", // what style the link should use onmouseover?
use_ctrl_alt_click : true, // allow ctrl-alt-click anywhere in table to activate sorting?
sort_only_sortable : true, // make all tables sortable by default or just make the tables with "sortable" class sortable?

// speed related constants, modify as needed!
table_content_might_change : false, // table content could be changed by other JS on-the-fly? if so, some speed improvements cannot be used.
preserve_style : " ", // (row, cell) preserves style for row or cell e.g., row is useful when the table highlights rows alternatively. cell is much slower while no preservation's the fastest by far!
tell_me_time_consumption : false, // give stats about time consumed during sorting and table update/redrawing.

// anything below this line, modify at your own risk! ;)
smallest_int : -2147483648000, // date parse is in milliseconds, hence the 000
set_vars : function(event)
var e = (event)? event : window.event;
var element = (event)? (( : event.srcElement) : window.event.srcElement;
var clicked_td = ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TD') || ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TH');
var table = ml_tsort.getParent(element,'TABLE');
if(!table || table.rows.length < 1 || !clicked_td) return;
var column = clicked_td.cellIndex;
if (e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && ml_tsort.use_ctrl_alt_click) ml_tsort.resortTable(table.rows[0].cells[column]);
makeSortable: function(table) 
if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) {
var rowidx = table.getAttribute("ts_linkrow") || 0;
var firstRow = table.rows[rowidx];
if (!firstRow) return;
var sortCell;
// We have a first row: assume it's the header (it works for <thead> too), 
// and make its contents clickable links
for (var i=0;i<firstRow.cells.length;i++) {
var cell = firstRow.cells[i];
if(cell.getAttribute("ts_nosort")) continue;
var txt = cell.innerHTML+"A";
if(cell.getAttribute("sortdir")) sortCell = cell;
cell.innerHTML = '<a style="'+this.sort_col_style+'" onMouseOver=";'+this.sort_col_mouseover+'" onMouseOut=";" class="'+this.sort_col_class+'" href="#" title="'+this.sort_col_title+'" onclick="javascript:ml_tsort.resortTable(this.parentNode);return false">'+txt+'</a>';
if(sortCell) this.resortTable(sortCell);

sortables_init : function() 
// Find all tables with class sortable and make them sortable
if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return;
var tbls = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
for (var ti=0;ti<tbls.length;ti++) {
thisTbl = tbls[ti];
if(!ml_tsort.sort_only_sortable || thisTbl.className.match(/sortable/i))

getParent : function(el, pTagName) 
if (el == null) return null;
else if (el.nodeType == 1 && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTagName.toLowerCase()) // Gecko bug, supposed to be uppercase
return el;
return this.getParent(el.parentNode, pTagName);

getInnerText : function(el) 
if (typeof el == "string") return el;
if (typeof el == "undefined") { return el };
if (el.innerText) return el.innerText; //Not needed but it is faster
var str = "";

var cs = el.childNodes;
var l = cs.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
switch (cs[i].nodeType) {
case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE
str += this.getInnerText(cs[i]);
case 3: //TEXT_NODE
str += cs[i].nodeValue;
return str;

match_date_format : function(value, format)
var v = this.getInnerText(value.cells[this.sort_column_index]);
if(format == 'M/D/Y' && !isNaN(Date.parse(v)))
return true;
else if(!isNaN(this.convert_date(v))) return true;
this.set_date_array(format.replace(/\//g, '-'));
if(!isNaN(this.convert_date(v))) return true;
this.set_date_array(format.replace(/\//g, '.'));
if(!isNaN(this.convert_date(v))) return true;
this.set_date_array(format.replace(/\//g, ' '));
if(!isNaN(this.convert_date(v))) return true;
return false;

resortTable : function(td) 
if(td == null) return;
var column = td.cellIndex;
var table = this.getParent(td,'TABLE');
this.sort_column_index = column;
if(table == null || table.rows.length <= 2) return;
// now let's do a lot just to save a little time, if possible at all. ;)
var lastSortCell = table.getAttribute("ts_sortcell") || 0;
lastSortCell--; // the processing is used for IE, which treats no attribute as 0, while FF treats 0 as still true.
var lastSortDir;
lastSortDir = (td.getAttribute("ts_forcesort") == 'desc')? 'asc' : 'desc';
lastSortDir = (table == this.last_sorted_table && column == lastSortCell)? table.getAttribute("ts_sortdir") : ((td.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'desc')? 'asc' : 'desc');
var newRows = new Array();
var headcount = 1;
for (var i=0,j=1;j<table.rows.length;j++)
var t = table.rows[j].parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(t == 'tbody' && table.rows[j].cells.length >= column + 1) newRows[i++] = table.rows[j];
else if(t == 'thead') headcount++;
if(newRows.length == 0) return;
var time2 = new Date();

// check if we really need to sort
if(!td.getAttribute("ts_forcesort") && !this.table_content_might_change && table == this.last_sorted_table && column == lastSortCell)
// Work out a type for the column
var sortfn, type = td.getAttribute("ts_type");
this.replace_pattern = '';
var itm, i;
for(i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++)
itm = this.getInnerText(newRows[i].cells[column]);
if(itm.match(/\S/)) break;
if(i == newRows.length) return;
itm = ml_trim(itm);
sortfn = this.sort_caseinsensitive;
if (this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'M/D/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date;
else if (itm.match(/^[¥£€$]/)) sortfn = this.sort_currency;
else if (itm.match(/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/)) sortfn = this.sort_ip;
else if (itm.match(/^[+-]?\s*[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:\s*[eE]\s*[+-]?\s*\d+)?$/))
sortfn = this.sort_numeric;
else if(type == 'date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'M/D/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date;
else if(type == 'euro_date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], 'D/M/Y')) sortfn = this.sort_date;
else if(type == 'other_date' && this.match_date_format(newRows[i], td.getAttribute("ts_date_format"))) sortfn = this.sort_date; 
else if(type == 'number') sortfn = this.sort_numeric;
else if(type == 'ip') sortfn = this.sort_ip;
else if(type == 'money') sortfn = this.sort_currency;
// else if(type == 'custom') sortfn = function(aa,bb) { a = this.getInnerText(aa.cells[this.sort_column_index]); b = this.getInnerText(bb.cells[this.sort_column_index]); eval(td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn")) }; // the coding here is shorter but interestingly it's also slower
else if(type == 'custom') { this.custom_code = td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn"); sortfn = this.custom_sortfn }
else { alert("unsupported sorting type or data not matching indicated type!"); return; }

table.setAttribute("ts_sortcell", column+1);
if (lastSortDir == 'asc') newRows.reverse();
// set style of heading
var rowidx = table.getAttribute("ts_linkrow") || 0;
if(lastSortCell > -1 && table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell]
table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.oldstyle = this.sort_col_style;
table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell] = this.sort_col_style;
table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.className = this.sort_col_class;
table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.oldstyle = this.sort_col_style_post_sort;
table.rows[rowidx].cells[column] = this.sort_col_style_post_sort;
table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.className = this.sort_col_class_post_sort;
if (lastSortDir == 'desc') table.setAttribute('ts_sortdir','asc');
else table.setAttribute('ts_sortdir','desc');
// has to use tagName otherwise IE complains
if(lastSortCell > -1 && table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.tagName) table.rows[rowidx].cells[lastSortCell].firstChild.title = this.sort_col_title;
if(table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.tagName) table.rows[rowidx].cells[column].firstChild.title = ((lastSortDir == 'desc')? this.sort_col_asc_title : this.sort_col_desc_title);
this.last_sorted_table = table;

var time3 = new Date();

var ps = table.getAttribute("preserve_style") || this.preserve_style;
if(ps == 'row' && !ts_browser_is_ie) 
var tmp = new Array(newRows.length);
for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) tmp[i] = newRows[i].innerHTML;
for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) table.rows[i+headcount].innerHTML = tmp[i];
else if(ps == 'cell' || (ps == 'row' && ts_browser_is_ie)) 
var tmp = new Array(newRows.length);
for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i=i++)
for (var j = 0; j < newRows[i].cells.length; j++)
if(!tmp[i]) tmp[i] = new Array(newRows[i].cells.length);
tmp[i][j] = newRows[i].cells[j].innerHTML;
for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < newRows[i].cells.length; j++)
table.rows[i+headcount].cells[j].innerHTML = tmp[i][j];
for (var i=0;i<newRows.length;i=i++) // We appendChild rows that already exist to the tbody, so it moves them rather than creating new ones
var time4 = new Date();
alert('it took ' + this.diff_time(time3, time2) + ' seconds to do sorting!');
alert('it took ' + this.diff_time(time4, time3) + ' seconds to do redrawing!');
return false;

diff_time : function(time2, time1) 
return (time2.getTime() - time1.getTime())/1000;

// Mingyi Note: it seems ridiculous to do so much processing for
// customizable date conversion, should try to find a zbetter way
// of doing it.
set_date_array : function(f) 
var tmp = [['D', f.indexOf('D')], ['M', f.indexOf('M')], ['Y', f.indexOf('Y')]];
tmp.sort(function(a,b){ return a[1] - b[1]});
this.date_order_array = new Array(3);
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) this.date_order_array[tmp[i][0]] = '$' + (i + 2);
this.replace_pattern = f.replace(/[DMY]([^DMY]+)[DMY]([^DMY]+)[DMY]/, '^(.*?)(\\d+)\\$1(\\d+)\\$2(\\d+)(.*)$');

process_year : function(y) 
var tmp = parseInt(y);
if(tmp < 32) return '20' + y; 
else if(tmp < 100) return '19' + y;
else return y;

// convert to MM/DD/YYYY (or M/D/YYYY) format
convert_date : function(a) 
var re = 'RegExp.$1+RegExp.'+this.date_order_array['M']+'+\'/\'+RegExp.'+this.date_order_array['D']+'+\'/\'+this.process_year(RegExp.'+this.date_order_array['Y']+')+RegExp.$5';
var code = 'if(a.match(/'+this.replace_pattern+'/)) (' + re + ')';
return Date.parse(eval(code));

sort_date : function(a,b) 
var atext = ml_tsort.getInnerText(a.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]);
var btext = ml_tsort.getInnerText(b.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]);
var aa, bb;
// basically I have to do the conversion due to the potential usage of double digit years
if(atext && atext.match(/\S/))
aa = ml_tsort.convert_date(atext);
if(isNaN(aa)) aa = Date.parse(atext);
if(isNaN(aa)) aa = 0;
else aa = ml_tsort.smallest_int;
if(btext && btext.match(/\S/))
bb = ml_tsort.convert_date(btext);
if(isNaN(bb)) bb = Date.parse(btext);
if(isNaN(bb)) bb = 0;
else bb = ml_tsort.smallest_int;
return aa - bb;

// assume no scientific number in currency (if assumption incorrect, just use
// same code for this.sort_numeric will do)
sort_currency : function(a,b) 
return ml_tsort.sort_num(ml_tsort.getInnerText(a.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]).replace(/[^-0-9.+]/g,''),

// let's allow scientific notation but also be strict on number format
sort_num : function(a, b) 
var aa, bb;
if(a && a.match(/\S/))
if(!isNaN(a)) aa = a;
else if(a && a.match(/^[^0-9.+-]*([+-]?\s*[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:\s*[eE]\s*[+-]?\s*\d+)?)/))
aa = parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
else aa = 0;
else aa = ml_tsort.smallest_int;
if(b && b.match(/\S/))
if(!isNaN(b)) bb = b;
else if(b && b.match(/^[^0-9.+-]*([+-]?\s*[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:\s*[eE]\s*[+-]?\s*\d+)?)/))
bb = parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
else bb = 0;
else bb = ml_tsort.smallest_int;
return aa - bb;

sort_numeric : function(a,b) 
return ml_tsort.sort_num(ml_tsort.getInnerText(a.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]),

sort_ip : function(a,b) 
var aa = ml_tsort.getInnerText(a.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]).split('.');
var bb = ml_tsort.getInnerText(b.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]).split('.');
return ml_tsort.sort_num(aa[0], bb[0]) || ml_tsort.sort_num(aa[1], bb[1]) || 
ml_tsort.sort_num(aa[2], bb[2]) || ml_tsort.sort_num(aa[3], bb[3]);

sort_caseinsensitive : function(a,b) 
var aa = ml_tsort.getInnerText(a.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]).toLowerCase();
var bb = ml_tsort.getInnerText(b.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]).toLowerCase();
if (aa==bb) return 0;
if (aa<bb) return -1;
return 1;

custom_sortfn : function(aa,bb) 
var a = ml_tsort.getInnerText(aa.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]);
var b = ml_tsort.getInnerText(bb.cells[ml_tsort.sort_column_index]);
return eval(ml_tsort.custom_code);
function ml_trim(text)
if(!text) return text;
var tmp = text.replace(/^\s+/, '');
return tmp.replace(/\s+$/, '');
function ts_addEvent(elm, evType, fn, useCapture)
// addEvent and removeEvent
// cross-browser event handling for IE5+, NS6 and Mozilla
// By Scott Andrew
if (elm.addEventListener){
elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
return true;
} else if (elm.attachEvent){
var r = elm.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
return r;
} else {
alert("Handler could not be removed");
ts_addEvent(document, "click", ml_tsort.set_vars);
ts_addEvent(window, "load", ml_tsort.sortables_init);
<body onclick="outliner(event)">
<table class="sortable" >
<thead >
<th class="header" width="1%" />
<td class="header"> Last Name:</td>
<td class="header"> First Name:</td>
<td class="header"> Gender:</td>
<td ><A><IMG border="0" alt="expand/collapse" class="expandable" height="11" onclick="changepic(event)" src="expand.gif" width="9" child="s1" ></A></td>
<td >Caloris</td>
<td >Morris</td>
<td >M</td>
<tr class="collapsed" bgcolor="#ffffff" id="s1">
<td colspan="4"> Carlos M Moris

<td><A><IMG border="0" alt="expand/collapse" class="expandable" height="11" onclick="changepic(event)" src="expand.gif" width="9" child="s2" ></A></td>
<td >Rainbow</td>
<td >Mark</td>
<tr class="collapsed" bgcolor="#ffffff" id="s2">
<td colspan="4"> Mark T Rainbow

I can't even read your code, let alone understand it. Try using well-formed indenting. And put the code in a code box.

But I have a theory that all of the font tags are messing up the sort. Take them out and get it working first.

One other hint: Don't try to copy the "view source code" page from your browser. I think this is the code to display the source code page, not your actual code.

I can't even read your code, let alone understand it. Try using well-formed indenting. And put the code in a code box.

But I have a theory that all of the font tags are messing up the sort. Take them out and get it working first.

One other hint: Don't try to copy the "view source code" page from your browser. I think this is the code to display the source code page, not your actual code.

Thank you so much for your reply. I would suggest you just to copy and paste the code and create one .html file. Then if you open the file and play with it, you will notice the problem. It does correctly sort the table, but i have theh rows that have child rows beneath it and which goes sorted along the parent rows. Hope to hear you soon.

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