My program is something like this:

java.util.Vector v1991=new java.util.Vector(30);
int f1=1;
int f2=10;

// Here,mb1 is the bean and sel is the function where I select the
// records between employee number f1 and f2


// submit xyz is my submit button.I get records 11 to 20 on submit
// but I need to get back here and if I click this again, I should get
// records 21 to 30.Again on click,I should get 31 to 40 and so on.

for(int l=l1;l<=(v1991.size()/6);l++) 
<td width="8%">
<form method="get" name="form1" action="content.jsp">
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="<%=v1991.get(i)%>">
<td width="7%">
<td width="17%">
<input type="text" name="text222" value="<%=v1991.get(i).toString() 
<td width="17%">
<input type="text" name="text333" value="<%=v1991.get(i).toString()
%>" >
<td width="17%">
<input type="text" name="text444" value="<%=v1991.get(i).toString()
<td width="17%">
<input type="text" name="text555" value="<%=v1991.get(i).toString()
<td width="17%">
<input type="text" name="text666" value="<%=v1991.get(i).toString 

Now,I want to go back to if() statement as soon as I finish this loop.This program would give me 1 to 10 records initially.When I click submitxyz (next) button,I would get 11 to 20.As soon as I get 11 to 20,if I click the button,I want to get 21 to 30.But it doesn't work...
my select query would be select * from emp where empno between f1 and f2;
(There is no problem with the syntax or query.The only problem is how to return to if() statement);
Plz help me ...........Pleeeeeeeeease....I shall be very thankful.

don't do that. You're butchering JSP for something it's not intended for.
NEVER use scriptlets, use only JSTL and custom taglibs.

Thank u very much for the reply.But I am new to JSP.I don't know how to use custom tag libraries and JSTL.Can u please help me out with that???I shall b very thankful to u.Even a small help at this moment would b a great help for me.I tried some custom tag libraries programs.But they were out of my reach.Please help me. Thank you....Regards.....

You can store the current record position in a session scope and use it accordingly.

Integer lowerBound = session.getAttribute("lowerBound");
if(lowerBound == null)
    session.setAttribute("lowerBound", new Integer(1));
    session.setAttribute("lowerBound", new Integer(lowerBound.intValue() + increment));
Integer upperBound = session.getAttribute("upperBound");
if(upperBound == null)
    session.setAttribute("lowerBound", new Integer(increment));
   session.setAttribtue("lowerBound", new Integer(upperBound.intValue() + increment));

And do follow Jwenting's advice, he is saying the right thing. Don't make a mess of your JSP code.

and get a decent (MODERN) book on JSP/Servlet programming.
O'Reilly's JSP book or Head First JSP and Servlets are the best.

JSTL is easy to use, but you do need a primer on architecture first which those books should provide.

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