I am requesting a querystring from another page.
This field in access db is a text field.
The field is a field containing URL Links.


If the field that Im requesting contains the character "+" anywhere in it. When calling the querystring as a value. It displays everything except the "+" character


The field which Im calling would contain something like this


When calling the querystring it displays this:
www.msn.com/help me.mp3

WHY? Please help! Thank-You

Has to do with the fact that QueryString encoding prevents it. See here. Which is more removing it, then preventing it.

Any for one of the reasons it should be obvious. QueryString retrieves a string and a means of concatenating two strings together is with a + or & depending on the language.

Sorry this is a crude explaination, but that is the best I had at the end of a long hard day. :cool:

Hope this helps!

You should use response.write Server.URLEncode(URLQuerystring) to produce the URL querystring....

This will encode the + sign in a way that is retreivable.

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