Hello guys
I still could not solve the PDF issue :(
I am using XAMP server on windows system. I think PDF comes with it by default. (not sure though). I have uncommented the required 2 lines in php config file. Yet no luck. Could somebody please help me out?
I want to run acrobat files through the php script , if possible edit it.

plz plz help needed

Thanks in advance

try: http://www.fpdf.org/
doesn't need pdflib in php

Hey Ether
Thanks for the reply. I have already tried that. It works fine.
But i want to do with the usual PDF. Can u sugges how ?

Hey Ether
Thanks for the reply. I have already tried that. It works fine.
But i want to do with the usual PDF. Can u sugges how ?

I just successfully installed PDFlib on windows XP running WAMP. Here is the process:

Installing PDFlib on Apache/PHP running on Windows:

Download PDFLib from:

Here is the direct download for the currently latest version for windows:

Once you have finished downloading, extract the zip file.
In the folder "bind" choose your php version, and open that folder. (php4 or php5)

Inside that folder, you'll have PHP sub versions, choose your sub version. If you don't know the exact PHP version you'ure using, run a php page with <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it. The PHP version will be printed right at the top of the page.

Inside the sub version folder, you'll find the pdflib's .dll file for your php version.

Copy the .dll file and save the copy in your php extensions folder. This folder is defined in php.ini as "extension_dir". So if you don't know what it is on your machine, open php.ini and search for 'extension_dir'.
On my system is was: c://wamp/php/ext/

Now open php.ini and add the extension. The format for this is:


where file is the file name of the extension.



Now you have to restart apache, and you should have pdflib installed. I tested this using:

if (class_exists('PDFlib')) {
	echo 'PDF Lib supported';
} else {
	echo 'PDF Lib not supported';

I don't know about XAMP, you you might have the pdflib extension already added to your extensions directory. If so, then all you have to do is add the line extension=libpdf_php.dll to php.ini

commented: brilliant +12

Hi Ether
Thanks for a detailed reply. I did just like u said. and PDFlib is isntalled rightly.
i seem to be getting the following error on trying out the first example in manual

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDFlibException' with message 'Metrics data for font 'Times New Roman' not found' in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\gallery2\examples\search\pdf.php:20 Stack trace: #0 C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\gallery2\examples\search\pdf.php(20): pdf_findfont(Resource id #2, 'Times New Roman', 'winansi', 1) #1 {main} thrown in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\gallery2\examples\search\pdf.php on line 20

The Script
$pdf = pdf_new();
pdf_open_file($pdf, "test.pdf");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Author", "Uwe Steinmann");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Test for PHP wrapper of PDFlib 2.0");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Creator", "See Author");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Subject", "Testing");
pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);
//pdf_add_outline($pdf, "Page 1");
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Times New Roman", "winansi", 1);
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 10);
pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 1);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "Times Roman outlined", 50, 750);
pdf_moveto($pdf, 50, 740);
pdf_lineto($pdf, 330, 740);
echo "<A HREF=getpdf.php>finished</A>";

I just successfully installed PDFlib on windows XP running WAMP. Here is the process:

Installing PDFlib on Apache/PHP running on Windows:

Download PDFLib from:

Here is the direct download for the currently latest version for windows:

Once you have finished downloading, extract the zip file.
In the folder "bind" choose your php version, and open that folder. (php4 or php5)

Inside that folder, you'll have PHP sub versions, choose your sub version. If you don't know the exact PHP version you'ure using, run a php page with <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it. The PHP version will be printed right at the top of the page.

Inside the sub version folder, you'll find the pdflib's .dll file for your php version.

Copy the .dll file and save the copy in your php extensions folder. This folder is defined in php.ini as "extension_dir". So if you don't know what it is on your machine, open php.ini and search for 'extension_dir'.
On my system is was: c://wamp/php/ext/

Now open php.ini and add the extension. The format for this is:


where file is the file name of the extension.



Now you have to restart apache, and you should have pdflib installed. I tested this using:

if (class_exists('PDFlib')) {
    echo 'PDF Lib supported';
} else {
    echo 'PDF Lib not supported';

I don't know about XAMP, you you might have the pdflib extension already added to your extensions directory. If so, then all you have to do is add the line extension=libpdf_php.dll to php.ini

see: http://www.modwest.com/help/kb5-261.html

If you need to use the font: Times New Roman, then you have to have the correct files for that font and reference it in your code.
see: the link on how to do it, or in the examples included with the pdflib.

You could also just use "Times-Roman" instead of "Times New Roman" as it is built into pdflib.

Also had a few problems getting the latest version of libpdf working with XAMPP. I found out that I was editing the wrong php.ini file! I was editing \xampp\php\php.ini when the actual config file was \xampp\apache\bin\php.ini.

That should make it work!

Really wonderful sweet ,thank you

Excellent, thank you. Exactly what I needed.

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